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REVOLVER OR PISTOL RANGE PRACTICE. The courses in range practice are given in paragraphs 147 to 199, Small Arms Firing Manual, 1913. Guards may be divided into four classes: Exterior guards, interior guards, military police, and provost guards. Exterior guards are used only in time of war.

In the late summer of 1913 a quiet American college man of twenty-three, tall, lean, somewhat listless in bearing, who had been idling on a trip in Germany without a thought of adventure, was observing, without being able to define or understand, one of the most remarkable conditions of national and racial exhilaration that ever blessed a country in time of ripest peace.

The Tharthâr depression, besides disposing of the Tigris flood- water, would thus probably feed the Euphrates; and a second barrage on the Tigris, to be built at Kût, would supply water to the Shatt el-Hai. It was then that Sir William Willcocks designed the new Hindîyah Barrage, which was completed in 1913.

After college preparatory school had several years of art education. Chief interest: wandering along coasts, living with the natives, seeing what they do and hearing what they say. First published story: "Men and a Gale o' Wind," Collier's Weekly, Nov. 8, 1913. Lives in Provincetown, Mass. Heritage. #Mason, Grace Sartwell.# Born at Port Allegheny, Pa., Oct. 31, 1877. Educated privately.

I again repeat to your Majesty that the country does not want a policy of adventure which cost it so dear in 1913. It was your own policy too. Before 1913 we thought you were a great diplomatist, but since then we have seen what fruits your diplomacy bears. You took advantage of all the loopholes in the Constitution to direct the country according to your own views. Your Ministers are nothing.

But before they did so, they put in the mouldy cupboard a lemonade bottle and one of the blue Fernhurst roll-books for the Michaelmas Term, 1913. They underlined their names in it, and left it as a memento of a few happy evenings. "I wonder," said Caruthers, "if years hence someone will pull up that board and find the book, and seeing our names will wonder who we were." "Perhaps," said Davenport.

When I was writing The Last of the Romantics and Grotesque Tragedies, Estevanez furnished me with data and information concerning life in Paris under the Second Empire. When I last saw him in the autumn of 1913, he made a practice of coming to the cafe with a paper scribbled over with notes, to assist his memory to recall the anecdotes which he had it in mind to tell.

Ever since the historic war between the Balkan allies and the Turks, in 1912 and 1913, there had been mutterings, and now the situation had come to be admittedly precarious. Mr.

No episode in recent political history shows better the relations of the legislature to the political machine and the great power of invisible government than the impeachment and removal of Governor William Sulzer in 1913. Sulzer had been four times elected to the legislature. He served as Speaker in 1893.

The report in typewritten form was one of the working documents used in the preparation of the 'budget' submitted by President Taft to Congress in February, 1913. The 'budget' was ordered printed by Congress, but the cost thereof was to be charged against the President's appropriation. There was not enough money remaining in this appropriation to warrant the printing of the report on organization.