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The eave swallows and purple martins are fast deserting eastern Massachusetts and the barn swallows steadily diminishing in numbers. The bald eagle should perhaps be included here. I seldom see or hear of it now. MICHIGAN: Wood-duck, limicolae, woodcock, sandhill crane. The great whooping crane is not a wild bird, but I think it is now practically extinct.

"Come here, darn you," were the first words I heard, from the mouth of what speaker it need not be said "come here, you lazy, snortin, snoozin Decker lend a hand here right stret away, will you? We've got more perch than all of us can carry and Archer's got six wood-duck."

LOUISIANA: On more counts than one, Louisiana is in the list of Great Delinquents; for behold the things that she needs to do: Protect deer for five years. Instantly take the robin, red-winged black-bird, dove, grosbeak, wood-duck and gull off the list of birds that may be killed as "game." Stop all late winter and spring shooting.

This is all wrong, and means the end of the woodcock, if continued. There is no doubt we need a bag limit on woodcock, as much as on quail or partridge." As far back as 1901, Dr. A.K. Fisher of the Biological Survey predicted that the woodcock and wood-duck would both become extinct unless better protected. As yet, the better protection demanded has not materialized to any great extent. Says Mr.

The good example of Indiana should be followed by every state that still possesses a remnant of prairie-chickens, or other grouse. IOWA: Pinnated grouse, wood-duck.

NEW YORK: Quail, woodcock, upland plover, golden plover, black-bellied plover, willet, dowitcher, red-breasted sandpiper, long-billed curlew, wood-duck, purple martin, redheaded woodpecker, mourning dove; gray squirrel, otter.

TEXAS: Wild turkey and prairie chickens. Plover, all species; curlew, cardinal, road-runner, woodcock, wood-duck, canvas-back, cranes, all the herons; wild turkey; quail, all varieties; prairie chicken and Texas guan. Curlew, very rare; plover, very rare; antelope. Chas. Antelope nearly all gone. UTAH: Our wild birds are well protected, and there are none that are threatened with extinction.

ALABAMA: Wood-duck, snowy egret, woodcock. "The worst enemy of wild life is the pot-hunter and game hog. These wholesale slaughterers of game resort to any device and practice, it matters not how murderous, to accomplish the pernicious ends of their nefarious campaign of relentless extermination of fur and feather.

Wild turkeys are very scarce, also ducks. Doves, once numerous, now almost nil. Eagles, except a few in remote fastnesses. Many native song-birds are retreating before the English sparrow. Wood-duck and wild turkey.

NORTH DAKOTA: Wood-duck, prairie hen, upland plover, sharp-tailed grouse, canvas-back, pinnated and ruffed grouse, double-crested cormorant, blue heron, long-billed curlew, whooping crane and white pelican. Upland plover, marbled godwit, Baird's sparrow, chestnut-collared longspur.