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So absent-minded was he that he could not remember which window-catches he had inspected, and through the darkness, fumbling at unseen perilous chairs, he crept back to try them all over again. His feet were loud on the steps as he clumped upstairs at the end of this great and treacherous day of veiled rebellions.

"He's bound for the town house before he's been notified officially," stammered Mr. Swanton. "It ain't regular," said Constable Wade. Mr. Nute made no remark. He looked puzzled, but he acted promptly. He found the front door locked and the kitchen door locked. But the window-catches were on the inside, and he slammed up the nearest sash and leaped out. The others followed.

"By the way, how did you know I had chickens in store, and a spit on which to roast them?" "I looked you over at five-thirty this morning, having traveled from London by the mail train. I must lecture you on your inefficient window-catches, Mr. Grant. Several self-respecting burglars of my acquaintance would give your house the go-by as being too easy. And, one other matter.

I heard Grady comment upon the fact that there was no door except the one opening into the ante-room, and saw them examine the window-catches. "Nobody could raise these windows without alarming the house," Grady said, and pointed to a tiny wire running along the woodwork. "There's a burglar alarm." Simmonds assented, and finally the trio returned to the ante-room.

The sun slanted in upon the packed trunks and dismantled walls; but it blazed also upon brass window-catches, fender-knobs, door-handles all polished and flashing like mirrors. "I am come," said Honoria, "now at the last to ask your pardon." "At the last?" Humility seemed to muse, staring down at one of the trunks; then went on as if speaking to herself. "Yes, yes, it has been a long time."