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Order inverted in D, 33, Vulg., a, c, ff'1, g'1.2, h, k, l, Syr. Crt., Clem., Orig., Eus., Hil. Matt. v. 16. 'Luceant opera vestra' for 'luceat lux vestra, Tert. Matt. v. 28. Qui viderit ad concupiscentiam, etc. Matt. v. 48. Matt. vi. 10. Fiat voluntas tua in caelis et in terra, omitting 'sicut. So D, a, b, c, Aug. Matt. xi. ii. Nemo major inter natos feminarum Joanne baptizatore.

Tertullian and Epiphanius in like manner drew largely from the works of Irenaeus. But this confuses evidence that would otherwise be clear. For instance, in Eph. iv. 8 St. Paul quotes Ps. lxviii. 19, but with a marked variation from all the extant texts of the LXX. Thus: Ps. lxviii. 18 . Eph. iv. 8. It. Vulg. Memph. &c.; ins.

Besides, it is forty feet below the surface, and another town is now built over it.... Pompeii, on the contrary, was destroyed by a shower of cinders in which there was a much less quantity of water. DI COFANO, vulg. July 5, 1740, N.S.

Pst. and Hcl., Memph., Arm., Aeth.; for the reversed order, 'Blessed are the meek' and 'Blessed are they that mourn, are ranged D, 33, Vulg., a, c, f'1, g'1, h, k, l, Syr. Crt., Clem., Orig., Eus., Bas. The balance is probably on the side of the received reading, as the opposing authorities are mostly Western, but they too make a formidable array. The confusion in the text of St.

The drug is useful for stokers, having the curious property of making men insensible to heat. Easterns also use it for "Imsak" prolonging coition of which I speak presently. "Hashshashin;" whence De Sacy derived "Assassin." A notable effect of the Hashish preparation is wildly to excite the imagination, a kind of delirium imaginans sive phantasticum . "Kabkab" vulg. "Kubkab."

Et ipse praecepit illi ut nemini diceret, sed Vade ostende te sacerdoti, et offer pro emundatione tua sicut praecepit Moses, in testimonium illis. For emundatione in ver. 14, a has purgatione; b as Vulg. Both codd. have a variation similar to that of Marcion, ut sit etc.; a inserts hoc. Next follows the healing of the paralytic, which was done in fulfilment of Is. xxxv. 2.

The famous paragraph which describes the moving of the waters of the pool of Bethesda was found in Tertullian's MS. It is also found in the mass of MSS., in the Old Latin and Vulgate, in Syrr. Pst. and Jer., and in some MSS. of Memph. Crt., Theb., Memph. Tertullian gives the name of the pool as Bethsaida with B, Vulg., c, Syr. Hcl., Memph. John v. 43. Recepistis, perf. for pres.

We shall take up the subject again in our next number, and by extracts justify both our commendation and our criticisms of Mr. White. Edited, etc., by RICHARD GRANT WHITE. Vols. Dante, de Vulg. Eloquio, Lib. Ben Jonson said, it was a pity Shakspeare had not blotted more, for that he sometimes wrote nonsense, and cited in proof of it the verse "Caesar did never wrong but with just cause."