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"At this moment, if the legatee withdraws everything that he declares to be his, we shall raise no objections, but the room itself will be sealed. And M. Schmucke may lodge where he pleases." "No," said Villemot; "M. Schmucke is going to stay in his room." "And how?" "I shall demand an immediate special inquiry," continued Villemot, "and prove that we pay half the rent. You shall not turn us out.

'Ah, so much the better! the youngster said. 'I shall come to an understanding with him. We will deposit the will at the Tribunal, after showing it to the President. So at that, I told him to ask M. Villemot to come here as soon as he could. Be easy, my dear sir, there are those that will take care of you. They shall not shear the fleece off your back.

Fraisier told Villemot, "and I did not think it necessary to tear him away from business; he would have come too late, in any case. He is the next-of-kin; but as he has been disinherited, and M. Schmucke gets everything, I thought that if his legal representative were present it would be enough." Topinard lent an ear to this.

"Oh! here comes M. Villemot!" exclaimed La Sauvage. "Mennesir Fillemod," said poor Schmucke, "rebresent me." "I hurried here at once," said Villemot. "I have come to tell you that the will is completely in order; it will certainly be confirmed by the court, and you will be put in possession. You will have a fine fortune." "I? Ein fein vordune?" cried Schmucke, despairingly.

"At this moment, if the legatee withdraws everything that he declares to be his, we shall raise no objections, but the room itself will be sealed. And M. Schmucke may lodge where he pleases." "No," said Villemot; "M. Schmucke is going to stay in his room." "And how?" "I shall demand an immediate special inquiry," continued Villemot, "and prove that we pay half the rent. You shall not turn us out.

"I am M. Tabareau's head-clerk, sir," he said; "he sent me here to take charge of your interests, and to superintend the funeral arrangements. Is this your wish?" "You cannot safe my life, I haf not long to lif; but you vill leaf me in beace!" "Oh! you shall not be disturbed," said Villemot. "Ver' goot. Vat must I do for dat?"

I went to the Porte Saint Martin, where, I may add in parentheses, they were going to revive "Lucrece Borgia". Villemot, the stage manager, who was of poor appearance but intelligent, said: "I will take you into the gynecium."

Villemot held Schmucke's arm while the master of the ceremonies invested Schmucke with the ample, dismal-looking garment worn by heirs-at-law in the procession to and from the house and the church. He tied the black silken cords under the chin, and Schmucke as heir was in "full dress."

"While you were asleep, a little whipper-snapper in a black suit came here, a puppy that said he was M. Hannequin's head-clerk, and must see you at all costs; but as you were asleep and tired out with the funeral yesterday, I told him that M. Villemot, Tabareau's head-clerk, was acting for you, and if it was a matter of business, I said, he might speak to M. Villemot.

It was nearly two o'clock when M. Tabareau's head-clerk, a young man who aimed at a bailiff's career, modestly presented himself. Youth has wonderful privileges; no one is alarmed by youth. This young man Villemot by name, sat down by Schmucke's side and waited his opportunity to speak. His diffidence touched Schmucke very much.