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She brought Miss Stella to and helped or carried her back. She's wanderin' like in her mind ever since, the poor little lady." "Give me the key," Lady O'Gara said. "Go back and bring Dr. Costello." "It was what I was venturin' to recommend," said Patsy, giving her the key. She went on quickly, a new cause for trouble oppressing her.

S'pose now I ventured on you, as you've been venturin' on me!

Mac'll lay abed until noon. It stands to reason he'll have to, because he didn't take no change of clothin' with him, so he'll just naturally have to wait till his wet clothes get dry before venturin' forth an' spreadin' the news that the Maggie's on the beach.

"You see, Marse George come off down here frum Virginny lak young folks venturin' 'bout, an' mar'ied Mis' Margurite an' wanted to start up livin' right over thar near Utica whar I was born. But Marse George was po', an' he sho' foun' out ye can't make no crop wid'out'n a start of darkies, so he writ home to Virginny fer to git some darkies.

"I mean whar they fust got inter ther notion of venturin' out whar ther old shore-shaker could git a good hold on 'em?" "Yes," replied Sedgwick. "This and the Red Sea.

I've got the key, and I'm goin' through it this afternoon, and then I'm goin' to plan what ought to be done." "But it seems to me you're venturin' some. You don't know they're goin' to be married." "No, but all the symptoms point that way, and we've got to be prepared for it." "But the people round town seem to think that Virginia has a first mortgage on the rector already."

And little Emmy, a-setting on the fence, with her bunnit throwed back on her neck. 'Addy! she called, way across the lot; 'Addy, come, help me down! She was a master hand for venturin' up on places, but she didn't like the gettin' down. "Well, she 'a learned the ups and downs by this time. She don't need Addy to help her. I'd have helped a big sight more if I had kep' my distance.

Instead iv venturin' into th' wilds an' p'raps bein' et up be wan iv his fav'rite charackters, he calls f'r some tea an' toast, jabs his pen into th' inkwell, an' writes: 'Vichtry was not long in th' grasp iv th' whale. Befure he cud return to his burrow Tusky Bicuspid had seized him be th' tail an' dashed his brains out agin a rock.

I hain't forgot a mean trick they sarved me two yeern ago, up thar by Santer Fe." "And so you have joined the volunteers?" "That's sartin. But why ain't you a-gwine to Mexico? That 'ere's a wonder to me, cap, why you ain't. Thur's a mighty grist o' venturin', I heern; beats Injun fightin' all holler, an' yur jest the beaver I'd 'spect to find in that 'ar dam. Why don't you go?"