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"Nihil oculo nequius creatum" says the Preacher; and the philosopher calls it alter animus, "another spirit." "It sends forth its rays," says Vairus, "like spears and arrows, to charm the hearts of men": "veluti jacula et sagittae ad effascinandorum corda."

But, above all, the Satires of Lucilius were in the fullest sense of the word an autobiography. The famous description of Horace, made yet more famous for English readers by the exquisite aptness with which Boswell placed it on the title-page of his Life of Johnson Quo fit ut omnis Votiva pateat veluti descripta tabella Vita senis expresses the true greatness of Lucilius.

Thank God, little Johnnie Hoo, as he calls himself, is looking well, though the poor dear child is kept always in a prostrate posture. October 18. I take up again my remarks on imitators. I am sure I mean the gentlemen no wrong by calling them so, and heartily wish they had followed a better model; but it serves to show me veluti in speculo my own errors, or, if you will, those of the style.

"Votiva patuit veluti descripta tabella Vita senis." After he resigned the leadership of the Liberal party, at Christmas 1867, Lord Russell spent the greater part of his time at Pembroke Lodge, a house in Richmond Park which takes its name from Elizabeth Countess of Pembroke, long remembered as the object of King George the Third's hopeless and pathetic love.

Saliceti chirurgiae, quarum prior quibusdam decorata adnotationibus nunc primum in lucem exit, etc.," and adds further on: "Addidimus etiam quasdam in Rogerium veluti explanationes, in antiquissimo codice inventas, et ab ipso fortasse Rolando factas."

If he is a poet, “nil molitur ineptè.” If he is an orator, then too he speaks, not onlydistinctèandsplendidè,” but alsoaptè.” His page is the lucid mirror of his mind and life— “Quo fit, ut omnis Votivâ pateat veluti descripta tabellâ Vita senis.”

This conclusion is supported by the appearance of freshly ejected castings, for these often reminded me of the appearance of paint which has just been ground by a workman between two flat stones. Morren remarks that the intestinal canal is "impleta tenuissima terra, veluti in pulverem redacta."

And to this he adds, with much pith, in the "De Augmentis," II. 9, "Licet enim Historia quaeque prudentior politicis praeceptis et monitis veluti impregnata sit, tamen scriptor ipse sibi obstetricari non debet." Bacon wrote history according to his own rule, and proved its value by the practical exemplification which he gave of it.

A copy of this scarce work, which treats very learnedly of "the spiritual mysteries of the gospel veiled under the temple," I have lately been, by good fortune, enabled to add to my library. Veluti pecora, quae natura finxit prona et obedientia ventri. SALLUST, Bell. Catil. i. I Kings vi. 7.

But examples of that degeneration are very rare in the copper-coloured race; and Anghiera, as well as Gomara, speaks of the inhabitants of Paria in general, and not of a few individuals. Pet. "Utriusque sexus indigenae albi veluti nostrates, praeter eos qui sub sole versantur." "Los Indios de Paria son BLANCOS y rubios." Columb. cap. 71.