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More profitable was his doctrine that breathing takes place not only through what are now known as the respiratory passages but also through the pores of the skin. His teaching led to a belief in the heart as the centre of the vascular system and the chief organ of the 'pneuma' which was distributed by the blood vessels. This pneuma was equivalent to both soul and life, but it was something more.

Then the external surface becomes darkened and congested, its vessels, in parts, visibly large; the skin becomes blotched, the proverbial red nose is defined, and those other striking vascular changes which disfigure many who may probably be called moderate alcoholics, are developed.

Myosis produced by means of solutions of various drugs, a myosis followed by reduction of intra-ocular tension. Reduction of tension by means of various mechanical measures, notably massage, vibration massage and suction massage, and by means of electricity and diathermy. Indirect reduction of intra-ocular tension, accomplished by lowering general vascular pressure.

What are the symptoms? What are the most important natural cures? What rule may be given for adapting suitable laxatives to different classes of animals? GENERAL DISCUSSION. The urinary apparatus is composed of two glands, the kidneys and an excretory apparatus that carries the excretion of the kidneys to the outside. They are highly vascular glands, somewhat bean-shaped and of a deep red color.

To stop persistent oozing from soft tissues, Horsley successfully applied a portion of living vascular tissue, such as a fragment of muscle, which readily adheres to the oozing surface and yields elements that cause coagulation of the blood by thrombo-kinetic processes. When examined after two or three days the muscle has been found to be closely adherent and undergoing organisation.

Folds of it pass between the several divisions of the brain and serve to protect them. The arachnoid is a thin membrane which lies beneath the dura mater. It secretes a serous fluid which keeps the inner surfaces moist. The pia mater is a very delicate, vascular membrane which covers the convolutions, dips into all the fissures, and even penetrates into the interior of the brain.

The basic principle of life, in the Galenic physiology, is a spirit, anima or pneuma, drawn from the general world-soul in the act of respiration. Here it will be best to leave it for a moment and trace the vascular system along a different route.

On the other hand, a sensation closely resembling fluctuation may often be recognised in œdematous tissues, in certain soft, solid tumours such as fatty tumours or vascular sarcomata, in aneurysm, and in a muscle when it is palpated in its transverse axis.

Hence it appears, that as the muscles have larger fibres intermixed with a smaller quantity of nervous medulla, the organ of vision has a greater quantity of nervous medulla intermixed with smaller fibres; and it is probable that the locomotive muscles, as well as the vascular ones, of microscopic animals have much greater tenuity than these of the retina.

He thinks that the size of the hemorrhage is of more importance than its situation in causing the profoundness of the symptoms, but he repeats that nonfatal cases of hemiplegia are generally caused by vascular occlusion and subsequent softening, and not by hemorrhage.