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The tinker shook his head, and said that was a bad case also. "And you can't mend it," added Speed-the-Plough. "It's bad, and there it be. But I'll tell ye what, master. Bad wants payin' for." He nodded and winked mysteriously. "Bad has its wages as well's honest work, I'm thinkin'. Varmer Bollop I don't owe no grudge to: Varmer Blaize I do.

I threshed for Varmer Blaize Blaize o' Beltharpe afore I goes to Varmer Bollop. Varmer Blaize misses pilkins. He swears our chaps steals pilkins. 'Twarn't me steals 'em. What do he tak' and go and do? He takes and tarns us off, me and another, neck and crop, to scuffle about and starve, for all he keers. God warn't above the devil then, I thinks. Not nohow, as I can see!"

They'd roit, and roit, and roit, and tak' oot the dook-gunes to un they would, as they did five-and-twenty year agone. Never to goo ayond the housen! never to go ayond the housen! Kill me in a three months, that would bor', then!" "Are you a farmer?" I asked, at last, thinking that my turn for questioning was come. "I bean't varmer; I be yooman born. Never paid rent in moy life, nor never wool.

He rode well and with perfect command the track left in the dust was straight, there was no wobbling or uncertainty. 'That be a better job than ourn, you, said one of the men, as they watched the bicycle rapidly proceeding ahead. 'Ay, replied his mate, 'he be a vine varmer, he be.

And I shud like to stick a Lucifer in his rick some dry windy night." Speed-the-Plough screwed up an eye villainously. "He wants hittin' in the wind, jest where the pocket is, master, do Varmer Blaize, and he'll cry out 'O Lor'! Varmer Blaize will. You won't get the better o' Varmer Blaize by no means, as I makes out, if ye doan't hit into him jest there."