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It was known she did not share her father's love for sports and high living. A little delay was caused while the innkeeper was sent for, but pending his arrival some other unimportant witnesses were called, among them Major Wardell, who was Mr. Carwell's rival in the golf game. Had he heard his friend speak of feeling ill? No, not until a moment before the final stroke was made. Then Mr.

"I suppose work CAN be nearly everything to a man," he said, "though it isn't to me. But a woman only works with a part of herself. The real and vital part is covered up." "But a man can give ALL himself to work?" she asked. "Yes, practically." "And a woman only the unimportant part of herself?" "That's it." She looked up at him, and her eyes dilated with anger.

In 1797 the death of Jean Paul's mother dissolved home bonds and he soon left Hof forever, though still for a time maintaining diligent correspondence with the "erotic academy" as well as with new and more aristocratic "daughters of the Storm and Stress." The writings of this period are unimportant, some of them unworthy. Jean Paul was for a time in Leipzig and in Dresden.

In his travels, he used the railroad only to get over so much country as was unimportant to the present purpose, walking hundreds of miles, avoiding taverns, buying a lodging in farmers' and fishermen's houses, as cheaper, and more agreeable to him, and because there he could better find the men and the information he wanted.

"I know it," nodded Malcourt coolly. "Now, if you'll take my advice you'll behave less like a pig in this Ascott matter." "I'm going to fight that suit " "Certainly fight it. But not the way you're planning." "Well how, then?" "Go and see the little lady." "See her? She wouldn't receive me." "Probably not. That's unimportant.

'The classes with the crests, And the lining to their vests, Till down they jump, and empty leave A headless trunk that rests. Carinthia had a study of the humours of English character in the person of the wounded man she nursed on little Croridge, imagining it the most unobserved of English homes, and herself as unimportant an object.

Or how would West Virginia or Oregon or Connecticut, or half a dozen others of similar population, regard it to be actually outvoted in their own home, on their own continent, by this Spanish and negro waif from the mid-Atlantic? All this, in itself, may seem to some unimportant, negligible, even trivial.

They regard the political form as relatively unimportant; what matters is the fundamental economic class interest represented by the governments. Capitalist governments are all equally undesirable. What Lenine's program was when he left Switzerland is easily learned.

They were disturbed by his manner. He would not tell them what was the matter and left them to their game. It interested them no more. It seemed so unimportant whether the cards fell right or not. The points were not worth the excitement. Their son was playing solitaire, and it was not coming out at all. They discussed the possible reasons for his gloom. There were so many.

From the standpoint of the formal understanding it was an affected lament over some wholly uninteresting and unimportant Mr.