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Bartholomew, can make about sixteen miles an hour on those grades, although they can hit it up to thirty miles an hour on level track. "His passenger locomotives turn off a mile a minute and more, on the level road; but they can not climb those steep grades at a much livelier pace than the freight engines. That is why he is talking about two-mile-a-minute locomotives.

He must get a mighty speedy locomotive, for both freight and passenger service, to keep ahead of Montagne Lewis's rival road, the Hendrickton & Western." "You don't suppose it can be done, do you?" demanded Ned. "The two-mile-a-minute locomotive, I mean, Tom." "That is the target I am to aim for," returned his friend, soberly. "At any rate, I hope to improve on the type of locomotive Mr.

In fact, as yet none of them knew anything about what Tom intended to do with the big machine. But the story soon circulated that Tom Swift, the young inventor, was about to show all the previous builders of electric locomotives how such machines should be built. It was even whispered that Tom's objective was a two-mile-a-minute locomotive.

"You are a smart fellow, Tom!" said Mary, her laughter trilling sweetly. "Many thanks, Ma'am! Hope I prove your compliment true. This two-mile-a-minute stunt " "It seems wonderful," breathed Mary. "It sure will be wonderful if we can build a locomotive that will do such fancy lacework as that," observed Tom eagerly. "It will be a great stunt!" "A wonderful invention, Tom."

Swift," the railroad president said at the end of the run. "Already you could drive this locomotive at a two-mile-a-minute clip on level rails, I am sure. Keep at it! Nobody will be more delighted than I shall be if you pull down that hundred thousand dollars' bonus." "That's a fine way to talk, sir," cried Ned, with enthusiasm. "I mean every word of it, Mr. Newton.

"Guess we are not going to be molested to-night," said "Little Mack" as he looked at his wrist watch. "Doesn't seem like it," rejoined Cleary. But they had reckoned without the two-mile-a-minute birdmen that circle the heavens like giant eagles and swoop down on their prey from high altitudes to send forth their flaming bombs and death-dealing hand grenades.

After the dive, as the biplane came up in reverse position Erwin, prepared for this, half wheeled, and shot obliquely downward, pointed straight at his adversary. While he darted at a two-mile-a-minute pace, the deadly Lewis again began vomiting its flaming death straight at the man seated amidships, who was frantically trying to train his own gun on the advancing foe.

"'Swim? says he, with a shake in his voice. 'Why, pard, I can't swim! "I turned and looked at him. Shover of a two-mile-a-minute gold-plated butcher cart like that, a cowboy murderer that et his friends for breakfast and couldn't swim! I fetched a kind of combination groan and sigh, turned back the sail, climbed aboard the automobile, and lit up my pipe.