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I couldn't set by an' let you be plugged, could I? Hardly." "But " "'Tsall right, 'tsall right. Don't you worry any about me. I got a ace in the hole if the weather gets wet. But I wanna tell you this: If yo're bound to go on playin' the fool, keep a-movin' and walk round a lighted window like it's a swamp." She dodged past him and was gone. He made no move to follow.

But I'm gonna get old Chin Whisker out o' there, and you can stick a pin in that." "'Tsall right. 'Tsall right. You wanna remember ol' Chin Whisker ain't the only hoss yo're trying to ride. If you think that other outfit is gonna watch you pick daisies in their front yard without doing anything, you got another guess. But I'll do what I said and no more."

He deliberately turned his head and looked his father-in-law straight in the eye. "What did I kick you for?" he repeated. "I kicked you because you didn't have any sense." This was too much. "Huh? Because I Lookit here, you " "'Tsall right, 'tsall right. You didn't have any sense.

Jack Harpe followed this flight of fancy with an uncertain smile. "Alla same," he said, "I wish you'd lemme give you that month's wages. I'd feel better about it. Like I was paying my bets sort of." "'Tsall right," nodded Racey Dawson. "We still don't want any money. We're satisfied if you are. Yep, we're a heap satisfied now. But I ain't contented much."

"What's bitin' you?" "You hadn't oughta take advantage of Old Salt thisaway." "And why not? What's wrong with the bet? Fair bet. Leave it to anybody." "Shore, shore, but alla same, Racey, you'd oughta gone a li'l easy. Twenty-four hundred dollars " "What's the dif? You won't have to pay it." "'Tsall right, but I didn't think it of you, damfi did.

"'Tsall right," mumbled Lanpher, shutting the gate and shoving home the bar. "You don't know this country as well as I do. I got trouble enough running the 88 without borrowing any more." "Now I told you I was gonna get his li'l ranch peaceable if I could. I got it all planned out. I don't do anything rough unless I gotto.