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The site was frequently changed, so that both Marylebone and Paddington can claim the dreadful association. Timbs says that the gallows were erected on the morning of execution right across the Edgware Road, opposite the house at the corner of Upper Bryanston Street.

'I don't mind about the loneliness, said grandmamma, 'but a low or damp situation would never do. Mr. Timbs was looking over his lists as she spoke. Her words seemed to strike him, and he suddenly peered up through his spectacles. 'You don't mind about loneliness, he repeated. 'Then I wonder and he turned over the leaves of his book quickly.

It lies against the desert and exports ostrich feathers, gums, salts and kola-nuts. Nor are timbrels to be scorned. They were used I quote precisely "by David when he danced before the ark." Surely not Noah's ark! I must brush up on David. Timbs is matter for an engaging paper. His passion was London.

"Good God, sir! Is it Captain Connor?" The block-headed idiot of a Marigold had not told him! Marigold is a very fine fellow, but occasionally he manifests human frailties that are truly abominable. "We are going to sacrifice all our roses, Timbs," said I, "for the sake of a very gallant Englishman. It's about all we can do."

I've got it 'ere " And, referring to a much worn and battered old leather pocket-book, Twitt drew from it a soiled piece of paper, and read as follows Here lies All that is Mortal of CATHERINE TIMBS The Dearly Beloved Wife of Samuel Timbs of Weircombe. She Died At the Early Age of Forty-Nine Full of Virtues and Excellencies Which those who knew Her Deeply Deplore and NOW is in Heaven.

And then John Timbs was to have been my text, who was an antiquary of the nineteenth century. I had come frequently on his books. They are seldom found in first-hand shops. More appropriately they are offered where the older books are sold where there are racks before the door for the rakings of the place, and inside an ancient smell of leather.