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Updated: July 31, 2024

You must bring forth this "ah!" from the very depths of your thoracic cavern, as you rush in a rage from the house, or return, confounded, to your study. Why? Now? Who has conquered, killed, overthrown you! The discussion began after breakfast. Discussions can never take place in a household save at this hour.

#Wounds of the Thoracic Duct.# The thoracic duct usually opens at the angle formed by the junction of the left internal jugular and subclavian veins, but it may open into either of these vessels by one or by several channels, or the duct may be double throughout its course. There is a smaller duct on the right side the right lymphatic duct.

On post-mortem examination the blood is found tarry and dark, and bloody exudates may be found in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The spleen is soft and two or three times larger than normal. The diagnosis should be confirmed by finding the B. anthracis in the blood and tissues. The death-rate is very high, usually about seventy-five per cent. The treatment is preventive.

This is known as the thorax, or chest, and includes that part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen. The space which it incloses, known as the thoracic cavity, is a variable space and the walls surrounding this space are air-tight. A framework for the thorax is supplied by the ribs which connect with the spinal column behind and with the sternum, or breast-bone, in front.

The divinity-student came and read over her shoulder, very curious, apparently, but his eyes wandered, I thought. Fancying that her breathing was somewhat hurried and high, or thoracic, as my friend, the Professor, calls it, I watched her a little more closely. It is none of my business. After all, it is the imponderables that move the world, -heat, electricity, love.

Her weapon entered a little to one side, not quite a millimetre from the central point and still, of course, on the line of demarcation between the first two thoracic segments. I at once laid hold of the precious specimen, which was to teach me curious matters about the effects of an ill-delivered stroke.

The more highly the injured part is endowed with sensory nerves the more marked is the shock; a crush of the hand, for example, is attended with a more intense degree of shock than a correspondingly severe crush of the foot; and injuries of such specially innervated parts as the testis, the urethra, the face, or the spinal cord, are associated with severe degrees, as are also those of parts innervated from the sympathetic system, such as the abdominal or thoracic viscera.

You must bring forth this "ah!" from the very depths of your thoracic cavern, as you rush in a rage from the house, or return, confounded, to your study. Why? Now? Who has conquered, killed, overthrown you! The discussion began after breakfast. Discussions can never take place in a household save at this hour.

"Well," answered the doctor, "I should say that you have a touch of another jaw-breaking Latin phrase, namely, an aneurism of the thoracic aorta." "Hit shor' sounds powerful bad," grunted Jerry. "But then I reckon thet doctors likes ter use big words." "Right.

The segments of the abdomen are armoured on the upper surface with a narrow reddish plate, armed with four tiny spikes, whose office apparently is to furnish points of support when the larva quits the natal dwelling and dives into the soil, there to undergo the transformation. The thoracic segments are provided with wider plates, but unarmed.

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