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Updated: August 7, 2024

There was high delirium followed by imbecility in this case. Bonnet reports a case of fracture of both thighs, two right ribs, luxation of the clavicle, and accidental club-foot with tenotomy, with good recovery from all the complications.

No good comes from appliances which are calculated to stretch the affected tendons; in fact, they aggravate the inflamed condition and hasten complete loss of function of the affected member. Where there exists no articular or ligamentous diseases which would defeat the purpose, tenotomy is the only remedy for contracted tendons. Contracted Tendons of Foals. Etiology and Occurrence.

Return to work must be gradual and the character of the work such as to enable the animal to become inured to service without a recurrence of the trouble if possible. It follows then, that tenotomy, here as in other cases, is not practical from an economic viewpoint, unless the animal be of sufficient value to justify the long period of rest for recovery.

Tenotomy is not of practical benefit unless ample time is allowed for regeneration of divided tendinous tissue. Fracture and Luxation of the Carpal Bones. Etiology and Occurrence. Luxations of the carpal joint are of rare occurrence, and very few cases of this kind are on record.

The action of the threads is to convert the cyst wall into granulation tissue, which undergoes the usual conversion into scar tissue. If the cyst re-forms, it should be removed by open dissection under local anæsthesia. Puncture with a tenotomy knife and scraping the interior, and the injection of irritants, are alternative, but less satisfactory, methods of treatment.

It would be inhumanity to refuse, as there was no other who could take the place, but it was gall and wormwood to his sensitive nature. Yet, in spite of his vexation, he could not but admire the dexterity with which the thing was done. She handled the little wax-like foot so gently, and held the tiny tenotomy knife as an artist holds his pencil.

In all serious cases of inflammation of the carpal flexors, whether tenotomy has been performed or not, the subject needs a long period of rest subsequent to treatment. In fact, three or four months at pasture is necessary to permit of recovery and this where no congenital deformity has predisposed the subject to such affection of the flexors.

After fractures of costal cartilage or of the cartilages of the larynx the cicatricial tissue may be ultimately replaced by bone. Tendons. When a tendon is divided, for example by subcutaneous tenotomy, the end nearer the muscle fibres is drawn away from the other, leaving a gap which is speedily filled by blood-clot.

That is, in cases where the subject is simply "cock-ankled", where volar flexion of the pastern joint exists but the foot is kept flat on the ground, correction is possible without tenotomy. In such instances the foal must be treated early before the skin on the anterior pastern region has been badly damaged by knuckling over.

In subcutaneous wounds, for example tenotomy, in amputation wounds, and in wounds made in excising tumours or in operating upon bones, the space left between the divided tissues becomes filled with blood-clot, which acts as a temporary scaffolding in which granulation tissue is built up.

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