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Updated: August 24, 2024

"The Black One went with them, and when he saw how sore was your strait, wished to run down to meet the Matabele, for he is a brave man. But I had said to Tamas 'No, do not try to fight them in the open, for there they will certainly kill you. Moreover, Lady, I was sure that you would reach the top of the poort.

It remained upon the point of rock, and my forefather took it thence. It is a gift to the lady if she will promise to wear it." "Accept it," muttered Mr. Clifford, when he had finished translating this, "or you will give offence." So Benita said: "I thank the Molimo, and accept his gift." Then Tamas rose, and, advancing, cast the ancient, tragic thing over her head.

Thou art he that projectest all beings into existence and withdrawest them again into thyself. Thou art the great giver. Thou art wrath that inspires creatures. Thou art Sattwa, thou art Rajas, thou art Tamas, thou art the nether regions, and thou art the upper regions.

I, Mambo, the Molimo of Bambatse, send you greeting, and will give you good welcome and fulfil my promise, if you come with the far-shooting guns, ten times ten of them, and the powder, and the bullets wherewith I may drive off the Matabele, but not otherwise. My son, Tamas, and my councillors will drive your waggon into my country but you must bring no strange servants.

"Markandeya continued, 'O Bharata, the fowler having expounded these abstruse points, the Brahmana with great attention again enquired of him about these subtle topics. The Brahmana said, "Do thou truly describe to me, who now duly ask thee, the respective virtues of the qualities of sattwa, rajas, and tamas." The fowler replied, "Very well, I shall tell thee what thou hast asked.

It is this way that the Soul, though really transcending the three attributes, becomes attached to the path of acts and creates by modification Prakriti invested with the attributes of birth and death and identical with all acts and conditions which are characterised by the three attributes of Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas.

"Do you not see," he added, "that it is my only chance of life? If you go you may be able to bring me help before the end comes. Should there be a passage the probability is that, although they know nothing of it, it finishes somewhere by the wall of the first enclosure where the Makalanga are. If so, you may find the Molimo, or if he is dead, Tamas or one of the others, and they will help us.

Since thou, O king, hast been freed from that eternal and limitless Ocean of Ignorance, thou hast therefore become freed from Rajas and also Tamas."" "'Bhishma said, "Once on a time a king of Janaka's race, while ranging the uninhabited forests in pursuit of deer, saw a superior Brahmana or Rishi of Bhrigu's race.

"'Vasudeva said, "Upamanyu, who seemed to blaze with effulgence like the Sun, said unto me, 'Those sinful men that are stained with unrighteous deeds, do not succeed in attaining to Isana. Their dispositions being stained by the attributes of Rajas and Tamas, they can never approach the Supreme Deity.

These attach to all things of the universe and always inhere to them. Those that are conversant with the science of Adhyatma, say that unto the attribute of Sattwa is assigned a high, unto Rajas a middling, and unto Tamas, a low place in the universe. Through righteousness mixed with sin one attains to the status of humanity.

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