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Updated: August 25, 2024

I have been on a journey, and, having spent three whole days from home, I am able for once to tell you something instead of endlessly stringing questions together.

Looking about him as the dose began its work of stringing the lax nerves and stimulating the action of the heart, he saw that many of the drawers were open, a costly set of graduated scales missing, with their plush-lined box.... With a certain premonition of what would next be missing, he went into the surgery.

I consider the book a very good one, in the sense of being valuable. Whatever your mood may be, that of the moralist, cynic, satirist, humourist, whether you love, pity, or despise your fellow-man, here is grist for your mill. It feeds the mind. Although in form the book is but a stringing together of stories, incidents, and aphorisms, still the whole produces a distinct effect.

Next Amycus fell, the deadly huntsman, incomparable in skill of hand to anoint his arrows and arm their steel with venom; and Clytius the Aeolid, and Cretheus beloved of the Muses, Cretheus of the Muses' company, whose delight was ever in songs and harps and stringing of verses; ever he sang of steeds and armed men and battles.

They seem to have been made of a single piece of wood, which in the angular bow was nearly of the same thickness throughout, but in the curved one tapered gradually towards the two extremities. The mode of stringing was one still frequently practised in the East. The bend of the bow, thus strung, was slight. The Assyrian angular bow was of smaller size than the curved one.

The composer wrote it in his young days, stringing twenty-two little pieces on four letters composing the name of Asch, a town of Saxony, "whither," according to Sobolewski, "Schumann's thoughts frequently strayed, because at that time there was an object there interesting to his sensitive soul."

Any man who can say as much on nothing as you can ought to be in the Senate representing some railroad company or waterpower steal you don't have to work there, just loaf an' take easy money for cheating the people what put you there. Now, don't get mad I'm only stringing you: I wouldn't be mean enough to call you a senator.

"I strung them together on a rope," said Bartley. "How's that?" "I tied Sneed's horses together, with a rope. Ran it through the bridles like stringing fish. Not according to Hoyle, but it seems to have worked." Cheyenne shook his head. He did not quite get the significance of Bartley's statement. "Any one get hurt?" queried Bartley presently. "Nope.

We've let it go late enough, anyhow, and mustn't delay here any longer. Look well to your mules, mozos! Vamonos!" At the word all started together down the gorge, the speaker, as before, leading the way, Roblez next, and the mozos with their laden mules stringing out in the rear.

After Pa got to snoring, and killing buffaloes in his sleep, I could hear the ranchman and his helpers planning pa's humiliation, and when I tried to tell Pa in the morning that the crowd were stringing him he got mad at me and asked me to mind my own business, and that is something I never could do to save my life.

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