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There we stood, all of us, upon the thwarts, staring and exchanging opinions, and were like to have overset the boat; but that the bo'sun ordered us down. And after this we made our breakfast, and had much discussion regarding the stranger, as we ate.

Were there any other people in the world like them she wondered so kind and simple and unfeignedly glad to take a stranger into their home and a queer, mysterious, sick stranger at that!

Jasper grasped her right hand with his left hand, while she leaned her left arm on his right arm. In this position they walked on the floor. The whole company seemed pleased at this act of politeness in a young lady shown to a stranger. The colored musician began to put his fiddle in the best order.

Fathom, though an utter stranger to the sentiments of honour, pity, and remorse, would not perpetrate his vicious purpose, though favoured by the delirium his villany had entailed upon this unfortunate young maiden; because his appetite demanded a more perfect sacrifice than that which she could yield in her present deplorable situation, when her will must have been altogether unconcerned in his success.

"Oh, Lord Lufton; if I have done wrong !" and poor Lucy almost started from her chair, and a deep flush came across her dark cheek. "No no; you have done no wrong. I was only joking. It is we who have done wrong in leaving you to yourself you who are the greatest stranger among us." "I have been very well, thank you. I don't care about being left alone. I have always been used to it."

"Don't be a fool!" said the stranger. "You may as well give up the money to me first as last." "I don't propose to give it up to you at all," said Herbert. "My employer trusted me with it, and I mean to be true to my trust." "You can tell him that it was taken from you that you could not help yourself. Now hand it over!" "Never!" exclaimed Herbert, resolutely.

"Supposing I were to tell you I was he, would you believe me?" he asked. The stranger shook his head emphatically. "No, sir, I would not believe it, even from you. I had an argument with young O'Connor, half-fun and half-earnest. He was an Agnostic, while I profess to be a Christian of no denomination just a Christian. You are not he."

He felt sure of this. But he was equally certain that he was as much a stranger to her as she to him. She, on her part, had been busy satisfying herself that he was a very presentable young man, in spite of the somewhat formidable reputation he wore as a person of learned attainments.

To be sure it was a rather small knight, but the horse he led by the bridle was so stately and magnificent in appearance that old Marshelm, who was an excellent judge of horses, at once decided the stranger must be a personage of unusual importance.

And even fairer sights are contained within; those panelled, dark-roofed halls, with their array of portraits gravely and intently regarding the stranger; the chapels, with their splendid classical screens and stalls, rich and dim with ancient glass.