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It would have been grotesque for either March or Stoller to drive with the girl; for her father it was apparently no question, after a glance at the more rigid uprightness of the seat in the one-spanner; and he accepted the place beside Mrs. March on the back seat of the two-spanner without demur. He asked her leave to smoke, and then he scarcely spoke to her.

When I could get away from him I could shake it off, and even believe that it hadn't happened. You can't think what a nightmare it's been! Well, I've ruined Stoller politically, but I've ruined myself, too. I've spoiled my own life; I've done what I can never explain to to the people I want to have believe in me; I've got to steal away like the thief I am. Good-by!"

They did not pay voluntarily in either case; but it might be proof of progress that they no longer fought the customs officials. "Then you believe in free trade," said Stoller, severely. "No. I am just inquiring which is the best way of enforcing the tariff laws."

He accused some of Stoller's most honored and envied capitalists of being the source of our worst corruptions, and guiltier than the voting-cattle whom they bought and sold. "I think we can get rid of the whole trouble if we go at it the right way," Stoller said, diverging for the sake of the point he wished to bring in. "I believe in having the government run on business principles.

He said, with an effort of forcing himself to speak at once, "I have looked through the papers, and there is something that I think you ought to see." "What do you mean?" said Stoller. Burnamy laid down three or four papers opened to pages where certain articles were strongly circumscribed in ink. The papers varied, but their editorials did not, in purport at least.

It's heartless!" she cried, hysterically. "What will he do, poor fellow?" "I've an idea that he will light on his feet, somehow. But, at any rate, he's doing the right thing in going to own up to Stoller." "Oh, Stoller! I care nothing for Stoller! Don't speak to me of Stoller!"

But I can understand how strongly he was tempted. He could say that he was not authorized to stop Stoller in his mad career." At this Mrs. March put her hand through her husband's arm. "I'm not so sure about that," said the general. March added: "Since I saw him this morning, I've heard something that disposes me to look at his performance in a friendlier light.

"Really, I don't know," said Burnamy, with a touch of impatience. They had not met the evening before on the best of terms. Stoller had expected Burnamy twenty-four hours earlier, and had shown his displeasure with him for loitering a day at Leipsic which he might have spent at Carlsbad; and Burnamy had been unsatisfactory in accounting for the delay.

She owned that to herself, and she got what comfort she could from his making the affair a question of what Burnamy had done to Stoller rather than of what Burnamy had said to her, and what she had answered him. If she was not perfectly clear as to what she wanted to do, or wished to have happen, there was now time and place in which she could delay and make sure.

"No, I don't think so; I have no right to pry into your affairs, but " "Oh, they're wide enough open!" "And you may have changed your mind. I thought you might, when I saw you yesterday at Belvedere " "I was only trying to make bad worse." "Then I think the situation has changed entirely through what Mr. Stoller said to Mr. March." "I can't see how it has.