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One of the first incidents which illustrated the superior mental character of northern labor over that of the south, was the manner of unloading a ship's cargo of oil. In a southern port, twenty or thirty hands would have been employed to do what five or six did here, with the aid of a single ox attached to the end of a fall. Main strength, unassisted by skill, is slavery's method of labor.

And we may not have to wait as long; for in spite of slavery's binding chain thrice drawn round his soul, the American Negro has been absorbing during the past from a civilization which has been fitting him somewhat for the large Christian movement of the present.

Here is Slavery's abhorred riot of vices and crimes, from whose soul-sickening details the human imagination shrinks aghast, and over all, to complete the picture, these theologians bring in the seraphic countenance of the Saviour of mankind, smiling celestial approval of the multitudinous miseries and infamies it serenely beholds!

Watts McHurdie filled Freedom's Banner with incendiary verse, always giving the name of the tune at the beginning of each contribution, by which it might be sung, and the way he clanked Slavery's chains and made love to Freedom was highly disconcerting; but the town liked it. In April Philemon R. Ward came back to Sycamore Ridge, and there was a great gathering to hear his speech.

"We come from slavery's grave unbound, And mountains and the vales resound With songs of jubilee. Ascending from Oppression's night, Behold the dawn of freedom's light! Soldiers of God, arise! The enemy will rue this day, For victory's eagle scents the prey And onward quickly flies. To arms! to horse! my comrades brave! And let the battle-standard wave, For now is honor's day.

The recruits to Republicanism from that quarter were generally very tender on "the nigger question," and the most they were prepared to admit was that they were opposed to slavery's extension. These men largely dominated the new party.

Louise sei der Schutzgeist deutscher Sache! Louise sei das Losungswort zur Rache!" Thy sons in crowded ranks await the strife, Preferring a free death to slavery's life. Enthralled in long and timid gloom we lay; When Heaven recalled thee, and thy fetters broke Which bound thee to thy times' unworthy sway, Thy dying eyes of future vengeance spoke.

One mind now directed all the movements of the many armies of the Union, making all the forces at the control of the nation into one mighty trip-hammer, for the crushing of Slavery's conspiracy against Liberty. General Grant recognized in Carleton his old friend whom he first met in Cairo, and whom he had invited to take a nail-keg for a seat.

Jefferson was for emancipation with deportation, and trembled for his country as he reflected upon the wrong of slavery and the justice of God. Patrick Henry, George Mason, Peyton Randolph, Washington, Madison, in a word all the great Virginians of the time held similar views. The Quakers of Pennsylvania were, however, the most aggressive of slavery's foes.

"Us kids always used to sing a song, 'Gonna hang Jeff Davis to a sour apple tree as we go marchin' home. I didn't know what it meant at the time. Frederick Douglass was a great man, too. He did lots of good, like Abe Lincoln. "Well, slavery's over and I think that's a grand thing.