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Updated: August 3, 2024

As soon as rolls can be made out, and paroles be signed by officers and men, you will be allowed to march out of our lines, the officers taking with them their side-arms and clothing, and the field, staff and cavalry officers one horse each. The rank and file will be allowed all their clothing, but no other property.

The groans grew louder and more death-like in their sound, accompanied by strange voices, giving utterance to horrible imprecations, and a dragging upon the floor. The large door opened, and what a sight presented itself! Three huge monsters, with side-arms on, dragged in the poor negro who proffered to show Tommy into Broad street.

About halfway down the hill as they came to him, he halted them, and he watched the gun-pits for the movement of anyone left skulking there. His eye went cautiously over the new prisoners to see that all side-arms had been thrown away. The surrender was genuine. There were about ninety Germans before him with their hands in air. This gave him over a hundred prisoners.

Let me introduce you to an Aldershot Sunday. The camp is all astir at an early hour. Musters of men here and there on the regimental parade grounds, the stately march to church, the regimental band at the head. The short, bright, cheery service. The rattle and clatter of side-arms as the men stand or sit. The rapid exit after the Benediction has been pronounced and the National Anthem sung.

MacRae would have shot him dead in his tracks if he'd tried to reach a weapon. But a man who is really game which no one who knew him could deny MacRae won't, can't shoot down another unless that other shows fight; and a knowledge of that gun-fighters' trait saved Major Lessard's hide from being thoroughly punctured that day. "Give me your side-arms, sergeant," he said, nervously.

This will not embrace the side-arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside. "U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. "HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, April 9, 1865.

And although the officers always wore their side-arms, and at the most peaceful of social dinners only relinquished their swords in the hall, apparently that they might be ready to buckle them on again and rush out to do battle for the Fatherland between the courses, the other guests only looked upon these weapons in the light of sticks and umbrellas, and possessed their souls in peace.

But should the tide of war continue to roll onward in his favour he may attempt to put in force the oft-told Boer threat, and try to sweep the British into the sea. Should that day dawn, it is rumoured that the enemy will be found well supplied with side-arms and with mercenaries trained to their use in one of the best schools that modern times have known. Where do these rumours come from?

But my mother, who added a postscript to his letter, slipped in a five-pound note, and I do believe that it was with my father's sanction, although he pretended to be very angry at my forgetting his injunctions. A few days before this, Mr Falcon, the first lieutenant, ordered me to put on my side-arms to go away on duty.

It's rather a large pull on my roll of sticking-plaster and a few bandages rival clans or houses do you bite your thumb at me, sir? eh Montagus and Capulets. Consequence of men carrying lethal weapons only krises instead of rapiers. Bad thing to let men carry arms." "What about soldiers, then, sir?" said Archie merrily. "Bayonets, side-arms?" "Ah, but there we have a discipline, my dear boy.

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