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Lastly, if he should succeed in discovering, apprehending, and convicting the culprits, he would have the satisfaction of mortifying, and in some degree disparaging, Mac- Morlan, to whom, as sheriff-substitute of the county, this sort of investigation properly belonged, and who would certainly suffer in public opinion should the voluntary exertions of Glossin be more successful than his own.

And now, when we left the café, we were pursued and overtaken at the hotel door by no less a person than the Juge de Paix: a functionary, as far as I can make out, of the character of a Scots Sheriff-Substitute. He gave us his card and invited us to sup with him on the spot, very neatly, very gracefully, as Frenchmen can do these things.

Some little time before his death, the worthy Sheriff-substitute of Roxburghshire received a set of his friend's works, with this inscription: "To Robert Shortreed, Esq., the friend of the author from youth to age, and his guide and companion upon many an expedition among the Border hills, in quest of the materials of legendary lore which have at length filled so many volumes, this collection of the results of their former rambles is presented by his sincere friend, Walter Scott."

The unhappy woman admitted that she had pretended acquiescence in her fate on several occasions, because she dared not trust such as offered to assist her to escape, not even the sheriff-substitute.

'There are persons apprehended, and in the jail of the town, as I understand from the sheriff-substitute, said Mr. Fairford; 'you must call them before you, and inquire what they know of this young gentleman.

'On the premises, as the advertisement says; that's at the house of Ellangowan, your honour, as I understand it. 'And who exhibits the title-deeds, rent-roll, and plan? 'A very decent man, sir; the sheriff-substitute of the county, who has authority from the Court of Session. 'And this gentleman's name is 'Mac-Morlan, sir; he's a man o' character, and weel spoken o'.

Several witnesses, all of the MacGregor family, swore that the marriage was performed with every appearance of acquiescence on the woman's part; and three or four witnesses, one of them sheriff-substitute of the county, swore she might have made her escape if she wished, and the magistrate stated that he offered her assistance if she felt desirous to do so.

'On the premises, as the advertisement says; that's at the house of Ellangowan, your honour, as I understand it. 'And who exhibits the title-deeds, rent-roll, and plan? 'A very decent man, sir; the sheriff-substitute of the county, who has authority from the Court of Session. 'And this gentleman's name is 'Mac-Morlan, sir; he's a man o' character, and weel spoken o'.

Lastly, if he should succeed in discovering, apprehending, and convicting the culprits, he would have the satisfaction of mortifying, and in some degree disparaging, Mac-Morlan, to whom, as Sheriff-substitute of the county, this sort of investigation properly belonged, and who would certainly suffer in public opinion should the voluntary exertions of Glossin be more successful than his own.

The first witness called was John Daviot, Esquire, Sheriff-Substitute of Mid-Lothian. He made and subscribed a Declaration on the 29th of October. It was freely and voluntarily made, the prisoner having been first duly warned and admonished." This was communicated to him before he made the Declaration.