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Updated: August 21, 2024

To begin this enterprise, the great baritone turned impresario, engaged a company of young singers, most of them Americans, and, when his season at the Metropolitan was at an end, took this company, at his own expense, on a southern trip, giving opera in many cities. Discussing his venture on one occasion, Mr. Scotti said: "It was an experiment in several ways.

Many scions of the old ejected families recovered their authority in the subject towns. We hear again of the Scotti at Piacenza, the Rossi and Correggi at Parma, the Benzoni at Crema, the Rusconi at Como, the Soardi and Colleoni at Bergamo, the Landi at Bobbio, the Cavalcabò at Cremona.

Marsus was ambassador from the Emperor and King of Spain, Charles V., to the Swiss, and gives a curious picture of their manners at this period. Helvetia Profana et Sacra. 1642. 4to. This work by Scotti, which is written in English, depicts the manners of the Swiss a century after Marsus. Travels through the Rhætian Alps. By Beaumont, 1782, fol.

Paolo Lodi, of Monza, student, aged twenty-one, thirty strokes; Giovanni Mazzuchetti, Milanese, barrister, aged twenty-four, thirty strokes; Bonnetti, Milanese, lithographer, aged thirty-one, fifty strokes; Moretti, Milanese, domestic servant, aged twenty-six, fifty strokes; Cesana, artist, aged thirty-two, forty strokes; Scotti, shopkeeper, of Monza, fifty strokes;

With all his varied endowments, it seldom or never falls to the lot of a baritone to impersonate the lover; on the contrary it seems to be his métier to portray the villain. Scotti has been forced to hide his true personality behind the mask of a Scarpia, a Tonio, an Iago, and last but not least, the most repulsive yet subtle of all his villains Chim-Fang, in L'Oracolo.

Whilst my dear Henriette was taking her lesson, I had some conversation with the dressmaker, in order to ascertain whether she was a relative of mine. "What does your husband do?" I asked her. "He is steward to the Marquis of Sissa." "Is your father still alive?" "No, sir, he is dead." "What was his family name?" "Scotti." "Are your husband's parents still alive?"

A moment Allan sat silent, gazing at the girl, and then he smiled. "It lives in you again, the past!" he cried. "In you the world shall be made new once more! Beatrice, when I last heard that 'Barcarolle' it was sung by Farrar and Scotti at the Metropolitan, in the winter of 1913. And now you waken the whole scene in me again!

Browning said in a letter to his sister, 'I hear him disputing our bill in the next room. He does not see why we should pay for six wax candles when we have used only two. At Rome they spent most of their evenings with an old acquaintance of Mr. Browning's, then Countess Carducci, and she pronounced Mr. Scotti the handsomest man she had ever seen.

Whilst my dear Henriette was taking her lesson, I had some conversation with the dressmaker, in order to ascertain whether she was a relative of mine. "What does your husband do?" I asked her. "He is steward to the Marquis of Sissa." "Is your father still alive?" "No, sir, he is dead." "What was his family name?" "Scotti." "Are your husband's parents still alive?"

So now the nobles of the Valnure and the Val di Taro. The Scotti, the Pallavicini, the Landi, and the Anguissola of Albarola, came one after the other in secret to Pagliano to interview the gloomy Galeotto. And at one gathering that was secretly held in a chamber of the castle, he lashed them with his furious scorn.

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