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There is a remarkable case recorded of a stick in the anus of a man of sixty, the superior extremity in the right hypochondrium, the inferior in the concavity of the sacrum. The stick measured 32 cm. in length; the man recovered. It is impossible to comprehend this extent of straightening of the intestine without great twisting of the mesocolon.

One of these is a portion of the vertebral column and sacrum of a buffalo, undistinguishable from that of the Cape buffalo; another is a fragment of a crocodile, and another of a water-tortoise, both undistinguishable from the forms of those animals now living. Together with these, Dr.

It was a marvellous movement, the like of which the Romans had not yet seen; not a predatory expedition of men equipped for the purpose, nor a "-ver sacrum-" of young men migrating to a foreign land, but a migratory people that had set out with their women and children, with their goods and chattels, to seek a new home.

In the part of the vertebral column which lies between the haunch bones and is called the sacrum, a number of vertebræ may unite together into one whole, and in this respect, as in some details of its structure, the sacrum of these reptiles approaches that of birds.

"You do not think, then," said I, "that the memory is an essential part of the soul?" "How is that question to be answered?" M. de Haller replied, cautiously, as he had his reasons for being considered orthodox. During dinner I asked if M. de Voltaire came often to see him. By way of reply he repeated these lines of the poet: "Vetabo qui Cereris sacrum vulgarit arcanum sub usdem sit trabibus."

At least once a day, the sacrum, buttocks, shoulder-blades, heels, elbows, malleoli, or other parts exposed to pressure, must be sponged with soap and water, thoroughly dried, and then rubbed with methylated spirit, which is allowed to dry on the skin. Dusting the part with boracic acid powder not only keeps it dry, but prevents the development of bacteria in the skin secretions.

Attached to the lower end of the sacrum is a group of from two to four small vertebræ, more or less fused, called the coccyx. B. From the side. 1. Body. 2, 3, 4, 5. Projections from the neural arch. *The Joining of the Vertebræ.*—A typical vertebra consists of a heavy, disk-shaped portion in front, called the body, which is connected with a ring-like portion behind, called the neural arch.

He published many sermons and lectures, and was well known as a successful organizer and an eloquent preacher. He died in 1885. Resigned, and died, 1906, and was buried at S. Martin's, Canterbury. The names and dates of the earlier bishops are taken from Bishop Stubbs' "Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum." It is now an unwritten law that the Bishop of Ely should be a Cambridge man.

Bechlinger of Para, Brazil, describes a woman of twenty-five, a native of Martinique, whose father was French and mother a quadroon, who had a modified duplication of the lower body. There was a third leg attached to a continuation of the processus coceygeus of the sacrum, and in addition to well developed mammae regularly situated, there were two rudimentary ones close together above the pubes.

I protest, for one, love is sacred. It is not only wrong to kiss and tell, but to tell about kisses. Everybody who has been admitted to the mystery, hush about it. Down with him qui Deae sacrum vulgarit arcanae. Beware how you dine with him, he will print your private talk: as sure as you sail with him, he will throw you over.