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"Suppose," said Denise Ryland, assuming her most truculent air, "you leave off... talking in that... frigid manner... my dear.

He demanded the place of deputy as his right. Ryland had shewn that he preferred him. Never before had he, who was born even to the inheritance of the throne of England, never had he asked favour or honour from those now his equals, but who might have been his subjects. Would they refuse him?

Undoubtedly so; because the good works of a man who is under the influence and power of divine grace, flow from the constraining love of a coveannt-reconciled God in Christ Jesus, whom the holy-making Spirit glorifies and renders precious to every true believer in him. Mason and Ryland.

"Poor Mr. Leroux!" she said, speaking very rapidly; "I think it awfully good of him, and sporty, to allow his wife so much liberty." "Sporty!" said Miss Ryland, head wagging and nostrils distended in scorn. "Idi-otic... I should call it." "Why?" Helen Cumberly, perfectly composed again, raised her clear eyes to her visitor.

Bedard remained in prison for a year rather than directly or indirectly admit that the governor had any justification for his arbitrary act Sir James attempted to obtain the approval of the home government; but his agent, a Mr. Ryland, a man of ability and suavity, prominent always in the official life of the country, signally failed to obtain the endorsement of his master's action.

It would only have seemed proportionate to the cause, so clearly did he prove the criminality of our supineness in the cause of God." The service was over; even Fuller was afraid, even Ryland made no sign, and the ministers were leaving the meeting.

I have undertaken to solicit you, and therefore desire you to tell on what day next week you can conveniently meet your old friends. 'I am, Sir, 'Your most humble servant, 'Bolt-court, Nov. 22, 1783. 'In perambulating Ivy-lane, Mr. Ryland found neither our landlord Horseman, nor his successor.

And again picture it to yourselves, now Bob Hardee's barn; your captain in the chair; Private Ryland rises, and offers the following: "Be it Resolved, that Miss Katherine Burke McDermott be, and hereby is, elected an honorary member for life in the Forestburg Rifles, and that we swear to cherish and protect her forever."

Denise Ryland had been very voluble at the commencement of the drive, but, as it progressed, had grown gradually silent, and now sat with her brows working up and down and with a little network of wrinkles alternately appearing and disappearing above the bridge of her nose.

But now each seemed fearful lest the fatal moment should pass, while the choice was yet undecided. Unwonted silence reigned in the house, the members spoke in whispers, and the ordinary business was transacted with celerity and quietness. During the first stage of the election, the Duke of had been thrown out; the question therefore lay between Lord Raymond and Mr. Ryland.