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Thoughtfully drooping his head, biting his lips and twisting his beard, Nikolay sat on the sofa by the mother's side. "I'm sorry my sister isn't here. She ought to occupy herself with Rybin's case." "It would be well to arrange it at once, while Pasha is there. It would be pleasant for him." The bell rang. They looked at each other. "That's Sasha," Nikolay whispered.

Stepan undressed in silence, crept up to the loft, and all became quiet. The mother lay motionless, with ears strained in the drowsy stillness, and before her in the darkness wavered Rybin's face covered with blood. In the loft a dry whisper could be heard. "You see what sort of people go into this work?

He let go of his beard, but continued to comb it with his fingers as he sat down. With inexorable, stubborn persistency the mother's memory held up before her eyes the scene of Rybin's torture. His image extinguished all thoughts in her mind. The pain and injury she felt for the man obscured every other sensation. Forgotten was the valise with the books and newspapers.

That's why I can't get interested in them. The ways of the masters are strange to me. You travel in winter, and you see some living creature in front of you. But what it is a wolf, a fox, or just a plain dog you don't know." The mother glanced at her son. His face wore a gloomy expression. Rybin's eyes sparkled with a dark gleam. He looked at Pavel, combing down his beard with his fingers.

It was those who call you socialist agitator yes! thinking you'd be discharged, and it would serve you right!" "They are right, according to their lights!" said Pavel. "So are wolves when they tear one another to pieces!" Rybin's face was sullen, his voice unusually tremulous. The whole day Pavel felt ill at ease, as if he had lost something, he did not know what, and anticipated a further loss.

"There's nothing in it no leaflets." With gradually increasing animation she told how she had placed them in the hands of sympathetic peasants after Rybin's departure. Nikolay listened, at first with an uneasy frown, then in surprise, and finally exclaimed, interrupting her story: "Say, that's capital!