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"But nowadays he has tin wurruds f'r Thomas Jefferson an' th' rest iv th' sage crop to wan f'r himsilf. 'Fellow-dimmycrats, he says, 'befure goin' anny farther, an' maybe farin' worse, I reluctantly accipt th' nommynation f'r prisidint that I have caused ye to offer me, he says, 'an' good luck to me, he says. 'Seein' th' counthry in th' condition it is, he says, 'I cannot rayfuse, he says.

Here was the regulation swallow-tail coat and trousers of green, the striped red vest, and the polished brass buttons; but the man inside was too much for him. "Diable! you luke right. But, no, I can not explain. Eet ees on zee tongue, but eet rayfuse. Ha! I haf eet! You lack vot zay call zee real. You make me t'ink uf zee sairvant on zee stage, somet'ing bettair off; eh?"

'An' you're welcome to rayfuse me, says he, 'whin I ax your lave, says he; 'an' I'll ax your lave, says he, 'whenever I want to coort yourselves, says he; 'but it's your daughter I'm coortin' at the present, says he, 'an that's all I'll say, says he; 'for I'd as soon take a doase of salts as be discoursin' ye, says he.

I took two sisymoid bones, which I will call poker dice, an' shook thim together in a cylinder, which I will call Fido, poored in a can iv milk, which I will call gum arabic, took two pounds iv rough-on-rats, which I rayfuse to call; but th' raysult is th' same. Question be th' coort: 'Different? Answer: 'Yis. Th' coort: 'Th' same. Be Misther McEwen: 'Whose bones? Answer: 'Yis. Be Misther Vincent: 'Will ye go to th' divvle? Answer: 'It dissolves th' hair.

At night ye can set be th' fire an' improve ye'er mind be r-readin' half th' love story in th' part iv th' pa-aper that th' cheese come home in, an' whin ye're through with that, all ye have to do is to climb a ladder to th' roof an' fall through th' skylight an' ye're in bed." "But wud ye believe it, Hinnissy, manny iv these misguided women rayfuse f'r to take a job that aint in a city.

I see be letters in th' pa-apers that servants is insolent, an' that they won't go to wurruk onless they like th' looks iv their employers, an' that they rayfuse to live in th' counthry. Why anny servant shud rayfuse to live in th' counthry is more thin I can see.