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He saw the stones palpitating upon lovely white and brown bosoms; he saw bloody and greedy hands, the red sack of towns; he heard the screams of women and the raucous laughter of drunken men. Murder and loot.

"I don't know you I don't know where you are taking me." "We will not go far to-night. I know a place where you can hide until I secure help from the city." "But you said you had a wagon." "The horse must have strayed away, worse luck!" said he, with a raucous laugh.

Then he darted away and resumed his raucous cry for water. I climbed back again. Thrice more, at intervals, he repeated this performance. The only result was to daub with mud every possible side of that bale. I hope it was his property. You must remember that I was observing the heavy artillery of the attack on the conflagration. Individual campaigns were everywhere in progress.

The next instant he turned to Jonathan a visage transformed as suddenly as though he had dropped a mask from his face. The gossiping and polite little old bachelor was there no longer, but in his stead a man with a countenance convulsed with some furious and nameless passion. "That ball!" he cried, in a hoarse and raucous voice. "That ivory ball! Give it to me upon the instant!"

Hundreds of people thronged the sidewalks, but the road was fairly clear, and along the gutter-way there swept a gang of boys with coarse, raucous laughter, kicking football fashion two or three of the half-burned Bibles that had fallen from the cauldron-altar on the car. The church Secretary visibly shuddered at the sacrilege.

Such a soft sweet song; full of delightful suggestion on such a night: Tonk tank tenk tink Ta tink a tonk a tank a tink a Ta ta tink tank ta ta tonk tink Drink a tank a drink a drunk. It was the 'water-dripping' song of the saw-whet owl. But suddenly a deep raucous breathing and a rustle of leaves showed that Ranger was back. He was completely fagged out.

With all this the streets had never been bare. Every night the Grande Rue de Péra swarmed with passengers; the restaurants and hotels were full; and you could hear the raucous voices of the vocal failures of a dozen countries shrieking and bellowing through the open windows of the cafés-chantants along the street The one place that we frequented was the Concert Flamm.

Silently he descended the steps, when suddenly from the town below came the hideous, raucous shriek of a steam-whistle. He stood for a minute, astonished, for the whistle was that of the steamer Grande Mignon, that daily plied between the island and the mainland.

Pushing their way through the crowded thoroughfares, their raucous cries rising above the clamor, go the ice cream and curry vendors, carrying the paraphernalia of their trade slung from bamboo poles borne upon the shoulders perambulating cafeterias and soda fountains, as it were.

He stood for a moment or two, in the grey, miserable street discordant with the wailings of babies and the clamour of futile little girls, who, after the manner of women, had no idea of political crisis, and the shrill objurgations of slattern mothers and the raucous cries of an idealist vendor of hyacinths, and, cocked hat on head and wooden sword in hand, he looked at his fawning army.