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"No; you're in for it," chuckled Moriarty. "Tole me 'is hown self, not three weeks agone. Camped hat hour ram-paddick, shiftin' Stewart's things to Queensland. An' wot war the hupshot? 'Stiddy, now, ses Hi 'w'e 's y' proofs? 'Some o' these young pups horter take a lessing horf o' you, Jack, ses you, jist now. You're right, Collings.

We're middlin' safe to be collared in the selection, an' we're jist as safe to be collared in the ram-paddick. Choice between the divil an' the dam. An' there's too big a township o' wagons together. Two's enough, an' three's a glutton, for sich a season as this." "I think Cooper and I had better push on to the ram-paddock," suggested Thompson. "You three can work on the selection.

I was chiackin' him about the deal, when he told me you swapped level; an' he wanted to change the subject. 'I'm frightened you'll be short o' grass to-night, says he. 'Where you goin' to camp? says he. "What did you tell him?" asked Thompson. "Ram-paddick, of course. You don't ketch me tellin' the truth about where I'm goin' to camp.

W'y, fact was Cunnigam an' Thompson 'ad bin workin' hon hour ram-paddick wun night; an' six Wogger steers got away, an' a stag amongst 'em; makin' f'r home; an' they left a whaler mindin' the wagons; an' the two o' them hover'auled the steers way down hin hour Sedan Paddick.

Me an' the ole man was comin' down from Karowra with the last o' the clip; an' these paddicks was as bare as the palm o' your hand; so we goes on past here, an' camps half-ways between the fur corner o' the ram-paddick an' the station gate; an' looses out about an hour after sundown.

"'E turns horf o' the main track t' other side the ram-paddick; through the Patagoniar; leaves hall gates hopen; fetches Nosey's place harter dark; houts file, an' hin with 'is mob, an' gives 'm a g-tful. Course, 'e clears befo' mo'nin'; an' through hour Sedan Paddick, an' back to Boottara that road. 'Ow do Hi know hall this? ses you?" "Ah!" said I wisely. "Well, I must be"

"I had them in the selection; took them out this morning after they lay down." "Good shot!" "Why, I don't see how it concerns you." "The selection's reasonable safe ain't it?" "Please yourself about that." "Is the ram-paddick safe?". "No." "Is there enough water in the tank at the selection?" "How do I know? There was enough for me."

"Magomery he's beginnin' to think he's got a sort o' title to the ram-paddick now, considerin' it's all purchased. Tell you what I'll do: I'll slip over in two minits on Valiparaiser, an' consult with Alf. Me an' him's as thick as thieves." "I'll go with you, Mosey," said I. "I've got some messages for him. Keep an eye on my dog, Steve."