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Caudle cups were in use in the sixteenth century, and throughout the century that followed they were used along with porringers, which differed from them only in that the mouths of the porringers were wider and the sides straight. The caudle cup, sometimes called a posset cup, is met with both without and with cover, and in some instances it is accompanied by a stand or tray.

I immediately caused the mouths of my mold to be opened; but, finding that the metal did not run with its usual velocity, and apprehending that the cause of it was that the fusibility of the metal was injured by the violence of the fire, I ordered all my dishes and porringers, which were in number about two hundred, to be placed one by one before my tubes, and part of them to be thrown into the furnace; upon which all present perceived that my bronze was completely dissolved, and that my mold was filling: they now with joy and alacrity assisted and obeyed me.

They are very dirty in their habits, scarcely ever washing their porringers, or only doing so in their broth; they hardly ever wash their clothes, more especially "when there is thunder about;" and they eat rats, mice, &c., if they are badly off for other food.

"One small hair Broom sutable to the Bellows. "One Duzen of large hard-mettal Pewter Plates new fashion, weighing about fourteen pounds. "One Duzen hard-mettal Pewter Porringers. "Four Duzen of Small glass Salt Cellars of white glass; Smooth not wrought, and without a foot. "A Duzen of good Ivory-hafted Knives and Forks."

So Jurgen shrugged, and climbed down from the throne of the God, and wandering at adventure, came presently to four archangels. They were seated upon a fleecy cloud, and they were eating milk and honey from gold porringers: and of these radiant beings Jurgen inquired the quickest way out of Heaven.

So I seated myself at the table and examining it, found the following verses engraved upon it: Weep for the cranes that erst within the porringers did lie And for the stews and partridges evanished heave a sigh!

Mysterious little porringers sat unreproved upon the parlor fire, small garments aired at every window, lights burned at unholy hours, and three agitated nightcaps congregated at the faintest chirp of the restless bird in the maternal nest.

Jeanie was saved the pain of answering this hypocritical question by the appearance of the Laird himself. "Gang in and get breakfast ready," said he to his housekeeper "and, d'ye hear, breakfast wi' us yoursell ye ken how to manage thae porringers of tea-water and, hear ye, see abune a' that there's a gude fire. Weel, Jeanie, my woman, gang in by gang in by, and rest ye."

He is supplied monthly with a sack of flour and a bag of tea and sugar, salt, etc. His cooking utensils are a kettle, camp oven, and frying pan, to which are added a few plates, knives and forks, and two or three tin porringers. He always possesses at least one dog and a horse, and possibly a cat.

Cutlery: Knives, forks, and spoons Salt cellars Cruet stands Punch and toddy Porringers and cups Trays and waiters The tea table Cream jugs Sugar tongs and nippers Caddies Cupids Nutcrackers Turned woodware.