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Updated: August 11, 2024

I dare not mention the name of the instrument in this place; 'tis sufficient we have it amongst us, but never think of making a drawing by it; this is aenigmatical, and intended to be so, at least ad populum: And therefore, I beg, Madam, when you come here, that you read on as fast as you can, and never stop to make any inquiry about it.

And in general, indeed, the Conciones ad Populum, as Coleridge named these lectures on their subsequent publication, were rather calculated to bewilder any of the youthful lecturer's well- wishers who might be anxious for some means of discriminating his attitude from that of the Hardys, the Horne Tookes, and the Thelwalls of the day.

On examining my old papers, I find most of the notices or prospectuses relating to these subjects. Mr. Coleridge's first two lectures were delivered in the Corn Market in Wine-Street. Mr. Coleridge's next two lectures were delivered the latter end of February, 1795, and afterwards were thrown into a small pamphlet, printed under the title of "Conciones ad Populum, or Addresses to the people."

"Sunt enim ista maledicta pervulgata in omnes, quorum in adolescentia forma et species fuit liberalis." Oratio pro Marca Caelio. Now Fermaco. "Videbat enim populum Romanum non locupletari quotannis pecunia publica praeter paucos: neque eos quidquam aliud assequi classium nomine, nisi ut, detrimentis accipiendis majore affici turpitudine videremur." Cicero, Pro Lege Manilia, 23.

Wiseman, in whose Vicariate Oxford lay, called me to Oscott; and I went there with others; afterwards he sent me to Rome, and finally placed me in Birmingham. I wrote to a friend: "January 20, 1846. You may think how lonely I am. 'Obliviscere populum tuum et domum patris tui, has been in my ears for the last twelve hours.

Ten Sermons preached upon several Sundays, and Saints Days, London 1636, 4to. To which is added an Assize Sermon. Ad Populum, a Lecture to the People, with a Satire against Sedition, Oxon, 1644, in three Sheets in 4to. This Author also translated into English, Hymnus, Tobaci, &c. Lond. 1651, 8vo. WILLIAM DRUMMOND of HAWTHORNDEN Esq;

That it is addressed ad populum, which renders it rather the more than less amenable to the criticisms we may be disposed to make upon it. 2.

My Creed may be put in the words of Newman's favourite quotation: Non in dialectica complacuit Deo salvum facere populum suum Not in cold logic is it God's will that His people should find salvation." "It is profoundly true," sighed Mr. Cargill, and Miss Claudia's beaming eyes proved her assent. The moment of destiny, though I did not know it, had arrived.

In October the final step is taken, and in the succeeding January the mournful history is closed in the following most touching words: Jan. 20, 1846. You may think how lonely I am. Obliviscere populum tuum et domum patris tui, has been in my ears for the last twelve hours. I realize more that we are leaving Littlemore, and it is like going on the open sea.

"Ad rempublicam firmandam, et ad stabiliendas vires, et sanandum populum, omnis ejus pergebat institutio."

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