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But Verdun was more difficult; there is little time for caring for the wandering correspondent when a decisive contest is going forward, and quite naturally the General Staff turned a deaf ear to my request. Through the kindness of one of the many Frenchmen who gave time and effort to make my pilgrimage a success I was at last able to see M. Poincaré.

'Metageometries' have been invented by Riemann and Lobatschewski as rivals to the assumptions of Euclid, and the brilliant writings of Poincaré have explained the human devices on which mathematical concepts rest. Euclidean geometry is reduced to a useful interpretation of the data of experience; it is not theoretically the only one.

But I had to go to London in the afternoon, and M. Poincaré to the Elysee at ten o'clock for the felicitations of the New Year. I asked M. Poincaré for the support of France in our difficulties with Bulgaria. M. Poincaré said... I said... and later events proved that I was right. He is always sure of himself, like this no doubts, no half-truths, everything clear and irresistible. I went to see Mr.

Lorentz supposes, besides, that all forces, whatever their origin, are affected by a translation in the same way as electromagnetic forces. M. Langevin and M. H. Poincaré have studied this same question and have noted with precision various delicate consequences of it.

The big army plane flew toward the distant French lines with a speed greater than that of the fastest express train. "You have done well, sirs. President Poincare shall hear of this." The speaker was General Petain. Before him stood Hal, Chester and Anthony Stubbs.

Then Hilda Seeberg said if her Papa that Papa she told me once she hadn't at all liked were only alive, it would be the proudest moment of his life when, at the head of his regiment, he would go forth to slay President Poincare.

Sub specie aeterni Poincare, in my opinion, is right. The idea of the measuring-rod and the idea of the clock co-ordinated with it in the theory of relativity do not find their exact correspondence in the real world.

J. Keynes and Robert Lansing have already published some very important things, but no secret documents; recently, however, Tardieu and Poincaré, in the interest of the French nationalist thesis which they sustain, have published also documents of a very reserved nature.

This Laplacean process Dr. See regards as theoretically possible, but apparently he thinks that if it took place it was confined to our system. The other method is that of the separation of the original rotating mass into two nearly equal parts. The mechanical possibility of such a process has been proved, mathematically, by Poincaré and Darwin. This, Dr.

Huge crowds lined the streets leading from the Gare du Nord to the British Embassy, to welcome Field-marshal Sir John French, Commander of the British expeditionary force, who came to visit President Poincare before taking command of his army. At quarter to one, three motor-cars rapidly approached the Embassy. In the second I could get a glimpse of Sir John in his gray-brown khaki uniform.