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PEDRIGAL, a lava-field. PEOS, a debt-slave; see p. 291. PITO, 1, a whistle, pipe; 2, aloe-fibre thread. POTRERO, a water-meadow. PULQUE, a drink made from the juice of the aloe; see p. 38. RANCHERO, a cottager, yeoman. RANCHO, a hut. RAYAR, to pull a horse up short at a line; see p. 163. REATA, a horse-rope; see p. 264. REBOZO, a woman's shawl; see p. 56. RECUA, a train of mules.

Proclamation: This said day, month, and year abovesaid, the contents of this edict were proclaimed in the form prescribed by law, by the voice of Pito Atambor, in the presence of myself, the said notary, near the lodging of the said governor and general, and near the lodging of the master-of-camp, Mateo del Sas, many soldiers being present at each place.

In this voyage Niquesa discovered the coast called Nombre de Dios, and went into the sound of Darien, on the river Pito, which he named Puerto de Misas. Coming to Veragua, Hojeda went on shore with his soldiers, and built there the town of Caribana, as a defence against the Caribbees; being the first town built by the Spaniards on the continent of the new world.

There were two musicians, one with a long pito, or fife, and the other with a huehuetl or drum, which he struck with his hand. Hanging to the side of the drum near the top was a turtle-shell, upon which the drummer beat, from time to time, with a deer's horn.

There are two kinds of aloe-fibre; one coarse, ichtli, the other much finer, pito; the first made from the great aloe that produces pulque, the other from a much smaller species of the same genus.

In one of the pauses a song came monotonously lilting down the street; yet it was not a song, it was only a sort of humming or chanting. Immediately there was a clapping of hands, a flutter of female voices, and delighted exclamations of children. "Oh, it's a dancing bear, it's a dancing bear!" they cried. "Is it Pito?" asked one. "Is it Adrienne?" cried another.

"Waitin' till spring, when they'll fetch their cattle up an' settle there." "They want Lydia to keep house for them?" The old man writhed. "Yes, God's sake, that's it! An' they want Liddy to marry a devil called Borotte, with a thousand cattle or so Pito the courier told me yesterday. Pito saw her, an' he said she was white like a sheet, an' called out to him as he went by.