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The Palais Royal gardens were the property of the King's cousin, Louis Phillipe. Disgusted with not being in the councils of the monarch and leaning to democracy, he permitted the place to be used for public promenades, lovers' meetings and popular harangues. Friends of the People, Friends of Phillipe, and Friends of the King freely rubbed elbows.

Vanzetti reports the removal of a preputial calculus weighing 224 grams. Phillipe mentions the removal of a calculus weighing 50 grams from the prepuce of an Arab boy of seven. Croft gives an account of some preputial calculi removed from two natives of the Solomon Islands by an emigrant medical officer in Fiji.

Phillipe de Roule for several months without being aware that she is our neighbor, that her hotel adjoins ours. Such is Paris! "She is a graceful person, with a soft and tender, but decided air.

The largest and the best trout are found near Chatelux, in the heart of the Morvan, an old château, on the summit of a high rock, ornamented with towers and turrets, and surrounded by thick and solitary woods, in itself a lion worth seeing. The present Count de Chatelux was aide-de-camp to Louis Phillipe, and a great friend of that sovereign.

Phillipe de Roule for several months without being aware that she is our neighbor, that her hotel adjoins ours. Such is Paris! "She is a graceful person, with a soft and tender, but decided air.

Everywhere, thanks to the prince's kepi, they were received with open arms. They were lodged by chieftains in strange palaces, great white buildings without windows, where were piled up hookahs and mahogany commodes, Smyrna carpets and adjustable oil lamps, cedar-wood chests full of Turkish sequins and clocks decorated in the style of Louis Phillipe.

Here the Deputies and Peers of Louis Phillipe met a saintly crowd of Legitimists, for whose benefit numerous ballots of the nation had been converted into admission tickets to the political stage. The Bonapartist representatives were too thinly sowed to be able to build an independent parliamentary party.

This was a mistake on their part, for I was more angry with him than with his friend, in whom there was a certain element of extravagant passion, less contemptible than d'Aubepine's betrayal of Phillipe de Bellaise's widow merely out of blind obedience to his Prince.

He married at Quebec in 1690, Angelique Robert Jeanne, a girl of sixteen, and in the census of 1698 the names of four children appear, viz., Louise aged 7, Louis 5, Joseph 3, Jacques Phillipe 7 months. Of these children the third, Joseph Bellefontaine, spent the best years of his life upon the St. John river and his tribulations there have been already noticed in these pages. See page 57 ante.

When Perrier, of France, the successor of Lafayette in the office of Prime Minister to Louis Phillipe, was on his death bed he exclaimed, with much emphasis and zeal, “France must have religion”—man must be governed by moral truth or by despotic power. Liberty does not flourish without morality, nor morality without the religion of the Bible.