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"Not so good as yours," he said, "are they? but the best I can do." Mrs. Pendyce blushed with pleasure. "My garden is looking so beautiful " Then, remembering that she no longer had a garden, she stopped; but remembering also that, though she had lost her garden, Mr. Paramor still had his, she added quickly: "And yours, Mr. Paramor I'm sure it must be looking lovely." Mr.

The good Paramor he was really a most excellent fellow became unhappy as far as was possible to his cheery nature, till one dreary day I suggested, out of sheer mischief, that he should employ the dormant energies of the crew in hauling both cables up on deck and turning them end for end. For a moment Mr. Paramor was radiant. "Excellent idea!" but directly his face fell. "Why . . . Yes!

It's odd, though, how soon the thistles that thought themselves figs get found out. There are many things I hate, Vigil. One is extravagance, and another humbug!" But Gregory stood looking at the sky. "We seem to have wandered from the point," said Mr. Paramor, "and I think we had better go in. It's nearly eleven."

My wife said to me the other morning at breakfast: 'Bob, here's a Mr. Richard Paramor Shelton goin' to be married. Is that any relative of your Mr. Shelton? 'My dear, I said to her, 'it's the very man!" Bob! And this, too, was a revelation. Bob! Why, of course, it was the only name for him! A bell rang. "That's your uncle"; and again the head clerk's voice sounded ironical. "Good-bye, sir."

Her uncle's pencil descended on the clause, and he resumed the reading of the draft, but Shelton could not follow it; he was too much occupied in considering exactly why Mr. Paramor had been amused, and to do this he was obliged to keep his eyes upon him.