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Updated: August 2, 2024

The superior officer of this assistant commissioner, being a humane and kindly man, revoked the order. These were the days when the carpet-bagger and the scalawag flourished, the camp followers of the Northern army, who wanted money and office; and the native-born Southerner, who wanted office and money.

The active interest he had manifested in the cause was well known, and the public had an almost extravagant idea of his military qualifications. He was of foreign birth, however, and it was deemed improper to confide the supreme command to any but a native-born American.

Faintly underlying the drawl of the speaker was just a suspicion a mere trace, as you might say of a labial softness that belongs solely and exclusively to the children, and in a diminishing degree to the grandchildren, of native-born sons and daughters of a certain small green isle in the sea.

The Church was in a state of agitation, and there was murmuring going on because, as I have already said, a section of it thought that their poor were unfairly dealt with by the native-born Jews in the Church. And so the Apostles said: 'What is the use of your squabbling thus?

We have shown, we think, in other fields of enterprise, that we may venture to rely upon native-born talent, ingenuity and industry, to work out this problem also, and that, by a practical demonstration, we shall, gradually and surely, reach a point of success beyond what has been attained with all the advantages of foreign aid. And this success will be equalled by the simplicity of its methods.

But, although there were native-born personages in the Colonies who might well be termed aristocrats, their titles were political or military; and an American lord was, as he would be now, something entirely out of the common. But in those days there was an American lord; and a very good American he was, in spite of his being a lord. This was William Alexander, known as Lord Stirling.

She wouldn’t so much as hold discourse with me when I wanted to ask her how she felt on coming home and missing her mammy“Perhaps she didn’t understand you, woman; you are none of the best linguister; and then Miss Lizzy has been exercising the king’s English under a great Lon’on lady, and, for that matter, can talk the language almost as well as myself, or any native-born British subject.

During this period he was always complimented with a seat in Grandfather's chair; and so comfortable did he find it, that, on removing to the Province House, he could not bear to leave it behind him. Mr. Cooke, therefore, requested his acceptance of it. "I should think," said Laurence, "that the people would have petitioned the king always to appoint a native-born New-Englander to govern them."

Cooke, therefore, requested his acceptance of it. "I should think," said Laurence, "that the people would have petitioned the king always to appoint a native-born New Englander to govern them."

I have no apologies to make for having been one week a member of the American party; for I still think native-born citizens of the United States should have as much protection, as many privileges in their native country, as those who voluntarily select it for a home.

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