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Then he took a step closer to her, crossed his arms over his breast, and asked her in the deepest bass of his fine deep voice: "Are you idiotically in love with this Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, or do you purpose to make use of him and his kith and kin in Rome against me?"

It is true that, while probably various municipal towns already at this time possessed theatres built of stone, the capital was still without one; the building of a theatre, already contracted for, had been again prohibited by the senate in 599 on the suggestion of Publius Scipio Nasica.

In order to give these Emotions Time to arrive at such a Height, as to subdue Love, Zeokinizul very carefully avoided speaking one Word to Nasica of his Passion for her.

Serapion looked lovingly after her; then he took two wooden tablets faced with wax out of his chest, and, with a metal style, he wrote on one a short letter to his brother, and on the other a longer one to the Roman, which ran as follows: "Serapion, the recluse of Serapis, to Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, the Roman.

He raised up Nasica, and gave Orders himself for the Preparations of her Marriage with the young Bassa, who afterwards became one of his chief Favourites. So difficult an Act of Justice against himself, is one of the most glorious Periods of this Monarch's Reign.

Lysias seemed pleased rather than vexed with this reply, and he was on the point of confessing to his friend that Irene had caused in his heart a perfect conflagration as of a forest or a city in flames when a master of the horse had appeared from Euergetes, to present the four splendid horses from Cyrene, which his master requested the noble Roman Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica to accept in token of his friendship.

But passions were inflamed and it was no time for peaceful counsels. The advocate of summary measures was the impetuous Nasica. He urged the consul to save the city and to put down the tyrant. He demanded that the sense of the house should be taken as to whether extreme measures were now necessary.

The young commanders, eager to fight, riding along, by his side, pressed him not to delay, and most of all Nasica, flushed with his late success on Olympus.

Then he took a step closer to her, crossed his arms over his breast, and asked her in the deepest bass of his fine deep voice: "Are you idiotically in love with this Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, or do you purpose to make use of him and his kith and kin in Rome against me?"

With this affection I in my youth loved those old men, Lucius Paulus, Marcus Cato, Caius Gallus, Publius Nasica, Tiberius Gracchus, the father-in-law of my friend Scipio. This relation is more conspicuous among those of the same age, as between myself and Scipio, Lucius Furius, Publius Rupilius, Spurius Mummius.