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Updated: August 20, 2024

Then the backs are suddenly shortened again, the profiles appear as before nods, and winks, and cunning glances, are exchanged and that till the little bell sounds a second time. This ridiculous genuflexion and mummery you may see repeated every morning in a Mexican "iglesia," long before the hour of breakfast.

More honest or more civilised, or from opposition, the Latin fathers have long given up and disowned the disgusting mummery of the Eastern Fire which lie the Greeks continue annually to tell. Their travellers' house and convent, though large and commodious, are of a much poorer and shabbier condition than those of the Greeks.

But in her heart had been sowed the seed that was never to be uprooted, the little seed of doubt: doubt of the social structure, doubt of its grave authorities, its awe-inspired interpreters. What were the mummers all so busy about and how little their mummery mattered!

"Why, then, if this was a mere masking or mummery," said Craigdallie, "our townsman, Harry of the Wind, did far wrong to cut off a gentleman's hand for such a harmless pleasantry, and the town may be brought to a heavy fine for it, unless we secure the person of the mutilator." "Our Lady forbid!" said the glover.

"Hush me no hush! you are ever fancying something or other out of the way." Robin repeated the signal. "What mummery!" said the Buccaneer; "I hear nothing, and see nothing." Robin laid himself on the ground, while the impatient and irritated seaman fumed and moved about, a curse whizzing from between his teeth as ever and anon he looked at Robin, and from Robin to the house.

With that rationalism which religious sects are so skilful in applying to some unimportant point of ritual, and so careful not to apply to vital questions of dogma, the Baptists reasonably argue that to baptise an unthinking infant, and, by an external rite which has no significance except as the symbol of an internal decision, declare him a Christian, is nothing more than an idolatrous mummery.

"Away with this talk to me; or, if you would convince me, raise at once the spectre I desire to see!" "And dost thou think, vain man," replied Liehbur, haughtily, "that I pretend to the power thou speakest of? I can bring the dead before thee, but thou thyself must act upon thyself." "Mummery! What would you drive at?"

'Folly about her spouse! The decree from Rome has annulled the foolish mummery of her infancy. It came a week after the Protestant conspiracy, and was registered when the Norman peasants at Chateau Leurre showed contumacy. It was well; for, behold, our gallant is among his English friends, recovering, and even writing a billet. Anon he will be upon our hands in person.

Twenty thousand French troops were approaching Amsterdam to bring him to reason, when the young ruler decided to be rid of this royal mummery. On the night of July 1st he fled from Haarlem, and travelled swiftly and secretly eastwards until he reached Teplitz, in Bohemia. The ignominy of this flight rested on the brother who had made kingship a mockery.

"And never let me hear of thy being the devil's deputy again. We'll have no papish mummery at Greenwood." The servant sullenly stooped, picked up the slip of ivory without a word, and turned to leave the room. But as he reached the door, Philemon found tongue. "I'll trade that 'ere for the fowlin'-piece you set such store by," he offered. The bondsman turned in the doorway and spoke bitterly.

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