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Updated: August 16, 2024

At that time, perhaps, insurgent and Standpatter, Conservative and Radical fought out the questions of the day, and the Muckrakers swung by their tails and chattered about it. Those days are all long since over. The questions of the world are settled forever.

The older man looked at him with a comical surprise. "A policeman? A cop? Well, well, well! I wouldn't have known it!" Bobbie Burke laughed, and he had a merry laugh that did one's soul good to hear. "We're just human beings, you know even if the ministers and the muckrakers do accuse us of being blood brothers to the devil and Ali Baba."

Why did he want to see, if not to extend his consciousness and his knowledge and his power? That purpose was at work everywhere, and must be something bigger than the individual eye-making man. Only the stupidest muckrakers could fail to see this, and even to know it as part of their own consciousness.

To tell the truth, I think they had become so satiated with sensations that they were sure that the thing was put up by some muckrakers and that there would be an expose of some kind. For the thief, whoever he was, seems to have taken nothing from my library but a sort of scrap-book or album of photographs. It was a peculiar robbery, but as I had nothing to conceal it didn't worry me.

The muckrakers were busy, and the sentiment outside had settled so definitely against granting the patents that the National Administration might at any time jettison Macdonald and his backers as a sop to public opinion. It was not hard for Gordon to guess how unpopular he was, but he did not let this interfere with his activities.

Here were two girls who lived in a tenement, did their own cooking and pushed East Side investigations that they said would soon "shake up the town." There were several rising muckrakers, too, some of whom did free work on the side for socialist papers. There was one real socialist, a painter, who had a red membership card in his pocket to prove that he belonged to "the Party."

I am not interested in the chemicals and the microbes: I leave them to the chumps and noodles, to the blockheads and the muckrakers who are incapable of their own glorious destiny, and unconscious of their own divinity. They tell me there are leucocytes in my blood, and sodium and carbon in my flesh.

The "muckrakers" were at the height of their activity; and the tariff, as one instrument of corruption and privilege, was suffering with the popular condemnation of all big interests. United States newspapers were eager for free wood pulp and cheaper paper, just as Canadian newspapers defended the policy of checking export.

It seems to be the fashion to rake up bitter things to say about prominent business men. You must have noticed it." "Yes. I believe I have noticed that," he answered with a grim little laugh. "Don't you think it could be explained to these writers? They can't WANT to distort the truth. It must be they don't know." "You must not take the muckrakers too seriously. They make a living roasting us.

Three little muckrakers loomed against Wall Street, one small, scoffing suffragette against a hundred and eighty thousand solid stolid Brooklyn wives. They had posed themselves so absurdly close to the world of things as they are. And they were in such a rush about their work.

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