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"Master! you mind my mintioning to you last time I seen your honour, that my leg was weak by times, no fault though to the doctor that cured it so I could not be after carrying the weighty loads I used up and down the ladders at every call, so I quit sarving the masons, and sought for lighter work, and found an employ that shuted me with a jantleman painter", grinding of his colours, and that was what I was at this morning, so I was, and standing as close to him as I am this minute to your honour, thinking of nothing at all just now, please your honour, forenent him asy grinding, whin he took some sort or kind of a fit."

Sergeant. They were, your honour. President. Your evidence is most extraordinary. Prisoner, have you any questions to put to this witness? Prisoner. Yes, if you plase, your honour. Where was I standing when you heard me make use of the words you have been after mintioning to the court? Sergeant. Behind the pillar in the barrack. Prisoner. Did you see me at the time? Sergeant.

I happened to be collecting a taste of oats, with the permission of my friend Doctor Corrigan here, for I'm but a poor friar, sir, and dropped in by mere accident; but, you know the hospitality of our country, Squire; and that's enough go they would not allow me, and I was mintioning to this young gintleman, your son, how we collected the oats, and he insisted on my calling a generous, noble child!

Didn't you say, you war coming out, that if it was the devil, you'd disparse him?" "You had betther not be mintioning his name, you omadhaun," replied the other; "if I was your age, and hadn't a wife and childre on my hands, it's myself that would trust in God, and go down manfully; but the people are hen-hearted now, besides what they used to be in my time."

Graham sent to announce a new visitor Mrs. Bruce who had inquired for Emily. "I suppose I must go down," said Emily; "you'll come too, Gertrude?" "No, I believe not, unless she asked for me. Did she, Katy?" "Mrs. Graham was only afther mintioning Miss Emily," said Katy. "Then I will stay here," said Gertrude; and Emily, finding it to be her wish, went without her.