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Very soon nearly all the household were on the piazza to greet these latest arrivals from the South; and a pretty scene of life and animation they made, with their yellow bills, jaunty black heads, and brownish red breasts. "Turdus migratorius, as the doctor would say," remarked Burt; "and migrants they are with a vengeance. Last night there was not one to be seen, and now here are thousands.

This species of locust closely resembles, and perhaps is identical with, the famous Gryllus migratorius of the East. We crossed the Luxan, which is a river of considerable size, though its course towards the sea-coast is very imperfectly known: it is even doubtful whether, in passing over the plains, it is not evaporated and lost.

In almost the whole large group of thrushes the young have their breasts spotted a character which is retained throughout life by many species, but is quite lost by others, as by the Turdus migratorius. So again with many thrushes, the feathers on the back are mottled before they are moulted for the first time, and this character is retained for life by certain eastern species.

This species of locust closely resembles, and perhaps is identical with, the famous Gryllus migratorius of the East. We crossed the Luxan, which is a river of considerable size, though its course towards the sea-coast is very imperfectly known: it is even doubtful whether, in passing over the plains, it is not evaporated and lost.

Turdus migratorius. Turdus musicus. Turdus polyglottus, young of. Turdus torquatus. Turkey, wild, pugnacity of young male; wild, notes of the; swelling of the wattles of the male; variety of, with a top-knot; recognition of a dog by a; male, wild, acceptable to domesticated females; wild, first advances made by older females; wild, breast-tuft of bristles of the.

"I think, papa," modestly rejoined Hans, "they are not exactly the same, but a kindred species. The locust of Scripture was the true Gryllus migratorius, and different from those of South Africa, though very similar in its habits. But," continued he, "some writers dispute that point altogether. The Abyssinians say that it was beans of the locust-tree, and not insects, that were the food of St.

It is among the grey squirrels it takes place; hence the name given to that species, Sciurus migratorius. There is no regularity about these migrations, and their motive is not known. Immense bands of the squirrels are observed in a particular neighbourhood, proceeding through the woods or across tracts of open ground, all in one direction. Nothing stays their course.

I heard a robin in the distance, the first I had heard for many a thousand years, methought, whose note I shall not forget for many a thousand more the same sweet and powerful song as of yore. O the evening robin, at the end of a New England summer day! If I could ever find the twig he sits upon! I mean he; I mean the twig. This at least is not the Turdus migratorius.

"I think, papa," modestly rejoined Hans, "they are not exactly the same, but a kindred species. The locust of Scripture was the true Gryllus migratorius, and different from those of South Africa, though very similar in its habits. But," continued he, "some writers dispute that point altogether. The Abyssinians say it was beans of the locust-tree, and not insects, that were the food of Saint John."

Owls, white, new mates found by. Oxynotus, difference of the females of two species of. Pachydermata. Pachytylus migratorius. Pagurus, carrying the female. Painting, pleasure of savages in. Palaemon, chelae of a species of. Palaeornis, sexual differences of colour in. Palaeornis javanicus, colour of beak of. Palaeornis rosa, young of. Palamedea cornuta, spurs on the wings. Paleolithic period.