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Updated: August 10, 2024

This Mohawk girl was attractive, young, and had a partial English education. Her parents were fairly prosperous, owners of many acres, and much forest and timber country. The arrangement was regarded as an ideal one the young people as perfectly and diplomatically mated as it was possible to be; but when his parents approached the young chief with the proposition, he met it with instant refusal.

"They are loved for themselves, not for their deeds." "Ah!" "Yes ah!" said the lady. "Intellect may subdue women make slaves of them; and they worship beauty perhaps as much as you do. But they only love for ever and are mated when they meet a noble nature." Sir Austin looked at her wistfully. "And did you encounter the knight of your dream?" "Not then." She lowered her eyelids.

As the Prince arose to go the Priest took his hand and said, "My child, in taking the Princess Nu-nah as your wife, you obey the holy intuitions of the soul and not only will you be united in soul but in body and mind. I wish you the eternal bliss that attends all who are truly mated. Farewell, my child; my blessings go with you."

On the right, in the dining-room, they could picture their mother cutting bread and butter for them, and looking so gentle with her big, despairing eyes those of a believer mated to an infidel.

On the right, in the dining-room, they could picture their mother cutting bread and butter for them, and looking so gentle with her big, despairing eyes those of a believer mated to an infidel.

"I should prefer that they mated voluntarily," replied the professor, the strange gleam leaping to his eyes at the suggestion of possible antagonism to his cherished plan, "but if not, then they shall be compelled by the force of my authority they both belong to me, body and soul."

The expedient and the right are not opposites; they are different in kind. They may be, and ought to be, blended as springs of action. No scheme of morals, and no practical divinity can be wholly satisfactory in which virtue and holiness are not equally mated with prudence and heavenly wisdom, each serving but not subservient to the other.

She sent for Jehane, and held her close in talk for nearly an hour. 'Never leave my son, Jehane, was the string she harped on. 'Never leave him for good or ill weather. Mated or unmated, never leave him. 'Never in life, Madame, said Jehane, then bit her lip lest she should utter what her mind was full of. But the Queen-Mother had no eyes.

The race of Gothamites is indeed found everywhere in popular tales, if not in actual life; and their sayings and doings are not less diverting when husband and wife are well mated, as in the following story: An Arab observing one morning that his house was ready to tumble about his ears from decay, and being without the means of repairing it, went with a long face to his wife, and informed her of his trouble.

It's as good a theory as any, for it can't be disproved." "Then how account for unhappy marriages?" asked Wade. "I said hearts were mated, not bodies and brains, nor livers, either. Half the unhappy marriages are due, I dare say, to bad livers." "Well," laughed Wade, rising and finding his hat, "your theory sounds reasonable. As for me, I have no theory nor data. So I'll go home and go to sleep.

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