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Updated: August 3, 2024

Viner's, in Markendale Square?" said Perkwite. "Right again, sir," assented Millwaters. "I did." "This fellow in front," observed Perkwite, "made some statements at Viner's, in answer to your principal, Mr. Carless, which incline me to the opinion that he's an impostor in spite of his carefully concocted stories." "Shouldn't wonder, Mr. Perkwite." said Millwaters. "But that's not my business.

I got a number of our best men detectives, of course and we went round to Markendale Square, back and front. Inquiry showed that Cortelyon was out, but we'd scarcely got that fact ascertained when he drove up in a taxicab with Cave himself. They hurriedly entered the house I myself was watching from a good point of vantage, and I saw that both men were, to say the least, anxious and excited.

Ashton goes away as soon as he's got settled down in Markendale Square on a somewhat mysterious journey. Now we hear that he had a secret. Perhaps something relating to that secret is mixed up with his visit to Marketstoke.

Ashton came home to England, and of course came to see you, and in due course you left school, and came to his house in Markendale Square, where he got a Mrs. Killenhall to look after you. All that correct? Yes? Well, then, I think, from what Mr. Pawle tells me, Mr. Ashton handed over a lot of money to you, and told you it had been left to you, or left in his charge for you, by your father?

A policeman was on guard at the terrace end and Viner, rather than hear any more of the matter, hastened past him and made a circuitous way to Markendale Square. He let himself into his house as quietly as possible, and contrary to taste and custom, went into the dining-room, switched on the electric light and helped himself to a stiff glass of brandy and soda at the sideboard.

"He registered his name and address the day he came there it is: 'John Ashton, 7 Markendale Square, London, W. You gentlemen will recognise it, perhaps?" Mr. Pawle put up his glasses, glanced once at the open book, and turned to Viner with a confirmatory nod. "That's Ashton's writing, without a doubt," he said. "It's a signature not to be forgotten when you've once seen it.

John Ashton's movements, and had immediately sent her off to me with the message that a gentleman of that name stayed at their house for a few days some weeks since, and that if I would send somebody over there, she, the grandmother, could give some particulars about him. So that solves the question we were talking of at Markendale Square, as to where Ashton went during the absence Mrs.

And within a minute Millwaters had observed what seemed to him highly suspicious circumstance Cave, on leaving the others, had shot off down a side-street in the direction of Lancaster Gate, but as soon as he was out of sight of Markendale Square, had doubled in his tracks, hurried down another turning and sped away as fast as he could walk towards Paddington Station.

A police official let them out by a side-door, and Viner and Mr. Pawle led the way through some side-streets to Markendale Square, the others coming behind, conversing eagerly about the events of the morning. Mr. Pawle, on his part, was full of excitement. "If we can only trace that woman, Viner!" he exclaimed. "That's the next thing!

He jumped into a cab at the top of Bedford Row and hastened back to Markendale Square to pack a bag and prepare for his journey.

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