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If you had yellow tulle And Rose took pencil and paper and made a rough design, talking with enthusiasm meanwhile, for like all the Malletts, she loved clothes. The next day Caroline had to stay in bed.

'One never knows what matters. 'And the Malletts don't marry, Henrietta said. 'Aunt Caroline and Aunt Sophia and Aunt Rose, and now me. There's something in us that can't be satisfied. It was the same with my father, only it took him the other way. 'I didn't know he was married more than once. Nobody tells me things. 'Charles, dear, you're very stupid. He was only married once in a church.

'Say what you were going to say. Caroline chuckled again. 'I can't help it. My tongue won't be tied. I'm like all the Malletts 'But not before the child. 'You're a prude, Sophia, and if Henrietta imagines that a man like Francis Sales, any man worth his salt besides, Henrietta has knocked about the world. She is no more innocent than she looks.

The Malletts had arrived between the first and second dances and the guests sitting round the walls had an uninterrupted view of the stately entrance. Mrs. Batty, in diamonds and purple satin, greeted the late-comers with enthusiasm and James Batty escorted Caroline and Sophia to arm-chairs that had all the appearance of thrones. Mrs. Batty patted Henrietta on the shoulder.

It was better to play the part of the wicked woman, the murderess, the stealer of hearts: and perhaps she was wicked; she had not thought of that before; the Malletts did not criticize their actions or analyse their minds and she had no intention of breaking their habits. She stood up again and said: 'Shall I call the nurse? 'You're not going yet? You've only been here a few minutes.

Rose old? Sophia's manner became almost haughty. 'Rose has nothing to do with age. My only doubt is whether Francis Sales is worthy of her. Dear Caroline used to say she ought to to marry a king. 'And she hasn't married anybody, Henrietta remarked bitingly. 'Nobody, Sophia said serenely. 'The Malletts don't marry, she sighed; 'but I hope you will, Henrietta. 'No, Henrietta said sharply.

She would have to go, in merest gratitude she must consent; she would be carried off, but she looked round wildly for some means of escape. The prospect of that exile spoilt a Christmas which otherwise would not have been a miserable one, for the Malletts made it a charming festival with inspired ideas for gifts and a delightful party on Christmas Day, when Caroline was allowed to appear.

The Malletts were always in time for meals and the meals were exquisite, like the polish on the old brass door-knocker, like the furniture in the white panelled hall, like the beautiful old mahogany in the drawing-room, the old china, the glass bowls full of flowers.

At eight o'clock the four Miss Malletts assembled in the drawing-room. Caroline was magnificent. Old lace veiled the shimmering satin of her gown and made it possible to wear the family emeralds: these, heavily set, were on her neck and in her ears; a pair of bracelets adorned her arms.

Malletts had lived in it for several generations, long before the opposite houses were built, long before the road had, lower down, degenerated into a region of shops.