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Updated: August 15, 2024

They both quarreled, too, with their nobles and with the people. The people did not respect them, and gradually learned to despise their authority. They remembered the efficiency and the success of Lycurgus's government, and the regularity and order which had marked the whole course of public affairs during his administration.

On the road Ascyltos did what he could to mollifie Lycurgus; but neither entreaties, nor love, nor tears doing any good on him, it came into our comerades head to set us at liberty, and being all on fire at Lycurgus's restiness, refus'd to bed with him that night, and by that means the more easily put in execution what he had been thinking on.

The sight of them very much disordered us: Lycas eagerly complained of our flight to Lycurgus, but was received with such a bended brow, and so haughty a look, that I grew valiant upon't, and with an open throat charg'd him with his beastly attempts upon me, as well at Lycurgus's as in his own house; and Tryphoena endeavouring to stop my mouth, had her share with him, for I set out her harlotry to the mob, who were got about us to hear the scolding: And as a proof of what I said, I shew'd them poor sapless Gito, and my self also, whom that itch of the whore had even brought to our graves.

Nor was he deceived in his expectations, for the city of Lacedaemon continued the chief city of all Greece for the space of five hundred years, in strict observance of Lycurgus's laws; in all which time there was no manner of alteration made, during the reign of fourteen kings, down to the time of Agis, the son of Archidamus.

It is true, the latest of the Lacedæmonian kings were of the lineage of the Heraclidæ; but Xenophon there seems to speak of the first and more immediate descendants of Hercules. As the history of those times is thus involved, in relating the circumstances of Lycurgus's life, we shall endeavour to select such as are least controverted, and follow authors of the greatest credit.

" ostia septem Pulverulenta vocant, septem sine flumine valles." Such leaden labours are like Lycurgus's iron money, which was so much less in value than in bulk, that it required barns for strong boxes, and a yoke of oxen to draw five hundred pounds.

Solon's weak confidence threw Athens into fresh slavery, while Lycurgus's severity founded the republic of Sparta on an immovable basis." These words, which come from a decree of the Committee of Public Safety, might well be taken for an excerpt from the Social Contract.

Nor was he deceived in his expectations, for the city of Lacedaemon continued the chief city of all Greece for the space of five hundred years, in strict observance of Lycurgus's laws; in all which time there was no manner of alteration made, during the reign of fourteen kings, down to the time of Agis, the son of Archidamus.

The delight we receiv'd in this place was more than can be exprest, tho' Lycurgus's table was thrifty enough: The first thing was every one to chuse his play-mate: The fair Tryphoena pleas'd me, and readily inclin'd to me; but I had scarce given her the courtesie of the house, when Lycas storming to have his old amour slockt from him, accus'd me at first of under-dealing; but soon from a rival addressing himself as a lover, he pleasantly told me, I must repair his damages, and plyed me hotly: But Tryphoena having my heart, I could not lend him an ear.

At the time when the attendants brought the new-born babe to Lycurgus's house, Lycurgus was engaged with a party of friends whom he had invited to a festival. These friends consisted of nobles, generals, ministers of state, and other principal personages of the Spartan commonwealth, whom Lycurgus had thus assembled in anticipation, probably, of what was to take place.

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