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A third would thrust his spindle-shanks through the arms of a sleeved vest, and button the body round his loins; while a fourth, like the one now under consideration, would parade about in a hat and boots.

The discharge of energy in these instances is in accordance with the laws of inheritance and association. The other ticklish points which are capable of discharging vast amounts of energy are the lateral chest-wall, the abdomen, the loins, the neck, and the soles of the feet.

Packer, the Marquis's man of business, that the green opposite to the Vicarage gate would be a convenient site for his chapel, and that the Marquis was ready to double his before-proffered subscription, then he saw plainly that the moment had come, and that it was fitting that he should gird up his loins and return all future cabbages to the proud donor. Mr.

"Girded with girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldaea, the land of their nativity." Ezek. xxiii. 15.

With marble-coloured shoulders, and keen eyes, Protected by a forehead broad and white And hair cut close lest it impede the sight, And clenchèd hands, firm, and of punishing size, Steadily held, or motion'd wary-wise To hit or stop, and kerchief too drawn tight O'er the unyielding loins, to keep from flight The inconstant wind, that all too often flies, The Nonpareil stands!

Her extraordinary grace is frightening, as, with the sweat of her hot sides rising upwards and her steel muscles stiffening, she puts in motion the immense rose-window of her fine wheels and darts forward, mettlesome, along rapids and floods. The other, the Engerth, is a nobly proportioned dusky brunette emitting raucous, muffled cries. Her heavy loins are strangled in a cast-iron breast-plate.

Rustem, thus answering said: "Thou art the King, Source of command, pure honour's sacred spring; And here I stand to follow thy behest, Obedient ever be thy will expressed, And services required Old age shall see My loins still bound in fealty to thee." To this the King: "Rejoice we then to-day, And on the morrow marshal our array."

Be sure that nobody was more surprised than were the five foolish women when they opened their witless, sleepy eyes, and saw the state of things. So, dear friends, 'let your loins be girt about, and your lamps burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord. 'They that were ready went in with him to the marriage. MATT. xxv. 10.

Thus we begin children, and wade up to the ankles in the things of God; and being once in, it riseth and proceeds to come up to our knees, then to our loins, and last of all to be a river to swim in; a river so wide, so deep, and every way so large, that it can in no wise be passed over.

Sir Richard, who was on a white horse, drew rein, and turned with his hand upon the loins of the horse; and then he turned again, and, urging the horse forward, disappeared within the wood.