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Updated: August 18, 2024

Christianity freed European humanity from this shallow, crude identification of itself with the hollow, uncertain existence of every day, coelumque tueri Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus. Christianity, accordingly, does not preach mere Justice, but the Love of Mankind, Compassion, Good Works, Forgiveness, Love of your Enemies, Patience, Humility, Resignation, Faith and Hope.

The battle of Chevy Chase, between the Percy and the Douglas, was fought in Teviotdale, and the ballad which moved Philip Sidney's heart was written in the fifteenth century. It may have referred to a Battle of Pepperden, fought near the Cheviot Hills, between the Earl of Northumberland and Earl William Douglas of Angus, in 1436. No. 71. Tuesday, May 22, 1711. Steele. ... Scribere jussit Amor.

You are, to be sure, wonderfully free from that nationality: but so it happens, that you employ the only Scotch shoe-black in London. He imitated the manner of his old master with ludicrous exaggeration; repeating, with pauses and half-whistlings interjected, 'Os homini sublime dedit, caelumque tueri Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus';

Christianity released European humanity from its superficial and crude absorption in an ephemeral, uncertain, and hollow existence. ... coelumque tueri Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus. Accordingly, Christianity does not only preach Justice, but the Love of Mankind, Compassion, Charity, Reconciliation, Love of one's Enemies, Patience, Humility, Renunciation, Faith, and Hope.

"Quid fas optare: quid asper Utile nummus habet: patrix carisque propinquis Quantum elargiri deceat: quern te Deus esse Jussit, et humana qua parte locatus es in re; Quid sumus, et quidnam victuri gignimur."

I lay them down, not to enforce them upon others by disputation, but as an account of his proceedings. The place of every man determines his duty. If you ask, Quem te Deus esse jussit? you will be answered when you resolve this other question, Humana qua parte locatus es in re? I admit, indeed, that in morals, as in all things else, difficulties will sometimes occur.

For those whose modesty must not endure to hear their own praises spoken may yet publish of themselves the most notorious vapours imaginable. For if the privilege of love be allowed Dicere quiz puduit, scribere jussit amor why should it not be so in self-love too? For if it be wisdom to conceal our imperfections, what is it to discover our virtues?

"Mentemque priorem Expulit, atque hominem toto sibi cedere jussit Pectore." Lucan. These feelings, no doubt, depend for their development in part upon physical causes; but they are also determined by the many retarding or accelerating forces enveloped in circumstances of position, and sometimes in pure accident.

Steele. 'Scribere jussit amor. Ovid. The following Letters are written with such an Air of Sincerity, that I cannot deny the inserting of them. Mr. 'Tho' you are every where in your Writings a Friend to Women, I do not remember that you have directly considered the mercenary Practice of Men in the Choice of Wives.

Os homini sublime dedit coelumque tueri Jussit et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus: looking downwards, and at the end touching the ground with a contorted gesticulation. Garrick was generally jealous of Johnson's light opinion of him, and used to take off his old master, saying, "Davy has some convivial pleasantry about him, but 'tis a futile fellow."

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