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But when you come to look at this thing by and large, and as a fa'r-minded man, sonny, you'll agree with us that the sooner you make terms with her the better. Considerin' your interest, Jacksey, let alone the claims of humanity, we've concluded to withdraw from here until this thing is settled.

There was a prolonged murmur of assent, and an affecting corroboration from Ned Wyngate of "That was him; that was Jacksey all the time!" "Indeed, indeed," said the lawyer nervously. "I had quite the idea that there was very little fondness" "Not on your side not on your side," said Rice quickly. "Uncle Quincy may not have anted up in this matter o' feelin', nor seen his nephew's rise.

"That's so," chimed in Pulaski Briggs, the fourth partner, "and I tell you what, Jacksey, we'll come over with you the day you take possession, and just 'prospect' the whole blamed shanty, pigsties, and potato patch, for fun and won't charge you anything." For a moment Jackson's face had really brightened under the infection of enthusiasm, but it presently settled into perplexity again. "No!

"There's a suthin' soothin' and dreamy in this kind o' life, Jacksey, and we'll make a point of comin' here for a couple of days every two weeks to lend you a hand; it will be a mighty good change from our nigger work on the claim."

Time and time again, sittin' around our camp fire at night, we've heard Jacksey say, kinder to himself, and kinder to us, 'Now I wonder what's gone o' old uncle Quincy; and he never sat down to a square meal, or ever rose from a square game, but what he allus said, 'If old uncle Quince was only here now, boys, I'd die happy. I leave it to you, gentlemen, if that wasn't Jackson Wells's gait all the time?"

"Ye mustn't mind Jacksey," said Rice, sycophantically edging to her side, "he's so cut up with losin' your father that he loved like a son, he isn't himself, and don't seem to know whether to ante up or pass out. And as for yourself, Miss why What was it he was sayin' only just as the young lady came?" he added, turning abruptly to Wyngate.