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He yearned with a poet's yearning for the wide sky, the far-reaching vista of bridges, the tender and fluctuating lights on the water which seems to breathe with a life that can shiver and mourn, be comforted and rejoice. "Vor den Wissenden sich stellen Sicher ist's in alien Fällen!

WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA; WER IST'S; QUI ÊTES-VOUS Corresponding works for America, Germany, and France. DEBRETT'S PEERAGE A repository of a great mass of facts concerning English families of historical distinction. WHITAKER'S ALMANAC Much miscellaneous information about the British empire and other countries. LIPPINCOTT'S NEW GAZETTEER A geographical dictionary of the world.

And all Germany is something more than the German Empire, which in certain respects is only a book-keeper, an adjuster of differences. "Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland? Ist's Preussenland? Ist's Schwabenland? Ist's wo am Rhein die Rebe blüht? Ist's wo am Belt die Möve zieht? O nein! O nein! O nein! Sein Vaterland muss grösser sein. "Des ganze Deutschland soil es sein!

But when the shores of British Guiana had become a muddy-looking horizon line, I found him, with his cropped forehead pressed to the open housewife, shedding bitter tears among the new needles and buttons. "Zur tiefen Ruh, wie er sich auch gefunden. Sein Geist ist's, der mich ruft." Wallenstein's Tod. Not the least troublesome part of our enlarged kit was the collection of gay-plumaged birds.

She was born in Charles Ist's reign , but in what year is not known. Her father's name was Johnson, whose relation to the lord Willoughby engaged him for the advantageous post of lieutenant general of Surinam, and six and thirty islands, to undertake a voyage, with his whole family, to the West-Indies, at which time our poetess was very young. Mr.

"Gefaehrlich ist's den Leu zu wecken, Verderblich ist des Tigers Zahn; Jedoch das schrecklichste der Schrecken, Das ist der Mensch in seinem Wahn." The animosity of the Russians towards the Jews had not ceased, it had only been held in check for a final onslaught. The unfortunate year 1881 dawned upon the Hebrews.

Thöricht ist's In allen Stücken billig sein; es heisst Sein eigen Selbst zerstören. Her condemnation of the Whigs, for example, is as stringent and outspoken as condemnation can be; yet it is a deliberate and reasoned judgment, not a mere bitterness or prejudice. The Whigs were at that moment, between 1832 and 1834, at the height of their authority, political, literary, and social.

Ein Englander, glaub'ich, und ein schnurriges Deutsch ist's, das er verbricht! Alma started up, shut her unfinished letter in the blotting-case, and looked anxiously about the room. 'What is his name? Ask him to give you his name. The youngster came back with a card, and Alma was astonished to read the name of 'Mr. Felix Dymes'. Why, she had all but forgotten the man's existence.

"Ich danke meinem Gott I thank my God that I've never taken up a rifle during the whole war, and I've been in it since the beginning. No human being has lost his life through me, thank God." "Was für'n Zweck hat es What's the good of shooting each other like this? The heads ought to come and fight it out amongst themselves." "It's good for politicians and profiteers für die ist's gut."

The hush of the afternoon and the benign tyranny of the North Italian sun subdued them; they scarcely spoke as they came through the ranks of fruit-laden trees to the low embankment where the last houses of the village tailed out beside the road. "So ist's gut!" said Captain Hahn then. "We are on time nicely on time!"