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'That's a very pretty little girl, 'Possum, isn't she, Joe? Do you notice how she dresses? always fresh and trim. But she's got on her best bib-and-tucker to-day, and a pinafore with frills to it. And it's ironing-day, too. It can't be on your account. If it was Saturday or Sunday afternoon, or some holiday, I could understand it.

I find it difficult to explain the anxiety which I felt, as the, morning wore on, that dinner should be punctually upon the table at half past twelve. But I now understand perfectly, as I did not once, the old philosophy: "Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die." It was ironing-day, and our dinners were apt to be late upon ironing-days.

If the maid feels that she must devote this time to the preparation of vegetables, or to other work which is liable to interfere with her work later on, madam may choose to step into the breach and try her hand at sundry delectables for the ironing-day luncheon or dinner, both meals being as simple as consistent with comfort and health.

It is so annoying to a maid-of-all-work to be obliged to open the door for visitors that ladies often have a little girl or boy for this purpose. In the country it can be more easily managed. Tuesday is ironing-day all over the world, and the maid must be assisted in this time of emergency by her mistress.

I would have had her bake it this morning, only Wednesday is ironing-day at the villa, and she was so awfully busy 'This is your innings, Tony rejoined somewhat sulkily. 'I hope you'll get all the entertainment you can out of the situation. 'Thank you, Tony, that's kind.

After the men went back to work he wandered about the town for an hour or two, and then dropped in at the office to inquire if the telephone line had been repaired. "No, it's still dead." "Did Miss McFarlane return?" "No. She said she had work to do at home. This is ironing-day, I believe." "She plays all the parts, don't she?" "She sure does; and she plays one part as well as another.